The Washington Times
May 17, 2002
Surviving, and thriving, as a first source of news
The Washington Times turns 20 today with the international reputation
for hard-hitting news reporting and robust opinion pages that even its
most loyal readers would not have dared predict when the newspaper was
born in the late spring of 1982.
Certain wise men said this new newspaper in the nation's capital would
survive six months. Some said six weeks. They said it never would live
long enough to earn respect and credibility, to achieve influence,
to win the admiration of skeptics, to see the dawn of its third decade.
But it did.
The Washington Times would not only survive, but thrive. It began as a
scrappy alternative to its entrenched competition, speaking to the world
as a ringing independent voice. The Times matured in its second decade
as a reliable source of news and information that readers say they can't
find elsewhere and, on the editorial page and in its commentary pages,
a vigilant and unapologetic defender of the values of God and country,
of faith and family.
Speaker of the House J. Dennis Hastert, Illinois Republican, expresses the
oft-heard verdict: "Washington has not been the same since The Washington
Times arrived on the scene 20 years ago. It has become a more informed
city where a real diversity of opinion is heard."
Readers who may disagree with the editorial page's firm, clear stand on
traditional values and conservative principles nevertheless say that
both Washington and the national debate are livelier and more honest
for the presence of The Times.
"Debate is the noise of democracy," says Senate Majority Leader Tom
Daschle of South Dakota, the town's top Democrat. "That's why I value
The Washington Times. For 20 years, The Times has helped make Washington
noisier, our national debate more vigorous and our democracy stronger."
Defying the odds
The story of an unexpected second newspaper in Washington is a story of
tenacity and determination, of two decades of dedication and distinction.
The Times struggled to establish itself as an alternative to The
Washington Post and the dominant media culture at the apogee of the Cold
War, when communism and despotism seemed to be on the march, with the
traditional American values in apparent retreat. The newspaper had to
overcome suspicions of its founder's purpose and endure the hostility
of a smug media establishment while learning the hard way from its
growing pains.
In its second decade The Times could consolidate its strengths and,
with communism at last relegated to the ash heap of history, contribute
to the reshaping of the media landscape and project its influence over
the national agenda. Its news and opinion columns spurred among other
changes a historic turnover in Congress, the close questioning of a
president's character and a reawakening of appreciation for the values
upon which the nation was founded.
The Times, in no small part because of aggressive coverage of the White
House, Congress, national security and foreign policy as well as local
affairs, grew to be one of the most quoted newspapers in the world,
read not only in Washington but in the capitals of the rest of the world.
"There's nothing like a good Washington Times editorial to get my juices
going for the day's debates in the Senate," says Sen. Edward M. Kennedy,
Massachusetts Democrat. "I respect and commend The Times for its in-depth
coverage of Congress. I send my congratulations and best wishes on the
20th anniversary."
Today, a top-rated Web site (www.washingtontimes.com); a National Weekly
Edition (that overtook The Washington Post's national weekly edition in
circulation); and dozens of monthly "pickups" of its stories by other
news organizations have combined to project the influence of "America's
Newspaper" far beyond its growing Washington circulation base.
Unofficial audited daily circulation climbed to 110,200 in March even as
The Post's formidable circulation, which had reached 780,000, continued
to fall. The Internet edition, introduced in May 1996 and upgraded
regularly, early this year recorded a peak of 18 million monthly "page
views" measuring visitors, not multiple visits.
Wesley Pruden, who shaped the newspaper as managing editor under Arnaud
de Borchgrave in the first decade and then as editor in chief through
the second, has kept the emphasis on the fundamentals of old-fashioned
"shoe-leather" reporting. He nurtured a period of stable growth
and acceptance in which The Times projected a mature influence while
attracting new talent and solidifying its reputation as a must-read for
everyone with a stake in what goes on in Washington.
The Times is not only "a very good read," Brookings Institution media
analyst and senior fellow Stephen Hess told the trade magazine Presstime
last month, but can be counted among the nation's best 10 newspapers.
None of this could have been foreseen on Aug. 7, 1981, the day newspaper
competition disappeared in Washington. Time Inc., unable to extend its
talent with glossy magazines into the gritty, down-and-dirty world of
daily newspapers, finally shuttered the 129-year-old Washington Star,
which had been the dominant voice and advertising vehicle in town as
late as the 1960s.
"The first thing to be said about The Washington Times is that its
existence is a small miracle, or maybe even a big one," says Sen. Phil
Gramm, Texas Republican. "From its first day, the paper has defied the
experts, the critics and the odds just by being there. The Times was
born into a market famous for killing off major dailies, and it arrived
at a time when big-city newspapers had begun to die off all over America."
In a time and place before the Internet, CNN, MSNBC and Fox News, when
information, and control of access to information, was the ultimate power,
The Washington Post reigned in splendid isolation in the nation's capital,
answerable not even to public opinion.
The Post, which four years earlier had celebrated its centennial status
as "the powerful voice of liberal American democracy," was perhaps
the newspaper least vulnerable to competition in all the world. Not
even Pravda enjoyed such domination of the early-morning attention of
policy-makers in its capital.
Ronald Reagan was still new in town, trying to stoke the fires of the free
market and buck up the courage of the free world. But a lot of his matches
were wet. Mr. Reagan had achieved the impossible; he was a conservative
who had gotten himself elected president of the United States. He was
greeted by the dominant media establishment with incredulity, suspicion,
frustration, even anger.
A recession inherited from his predecessor threatened to descend into
a depression as the unemployment rate, the highest since 1940, bumped
10 percent. Interest rates nudged close to 20 percent. The news on
the financial pages was grim, almost without relief: layoffs, factory
closings, declining personal income.
The Rev. Sun Myung Moon, the Korean evangelist who had survived communist
persecution, torture and imprisonment in the 1940s to found a worldwide
religious movement in the 1950s and promote intercultural understanding
in the 1960s, anticipated the death of the Star with growing concern.
A group of Korean businessmen and others, members of the Unification
Church, had managed successful enterprises around the world, including
newspapers in Tokyo, Paris, New York and Cyprus in the mid-1970s. They
regarded the lack of robust press debate in Washington as a danger not
only to their own country, threatened by a heavily armed and hostile
neighbor only 38 miles from Seoul, or to the United States, but to the
free world that looked to America for leadership.
"When Washington, D.C., the nation's capital, ended up with one liberal
newspaper, The Washington Post, I waited for some rich people with a lot
of resources to come forward and publish a patriotic newspaper there,"
Rev. Moon said in December 1982, seven months after the founding of The
Times. "Since no one did, I stood up and said, 'Let's do it.'"
A new day
News World Communications Inc., publisher of a small daily in New
York and headed at the time by Bo Hi Pak, a businessman and onetime
Korean diplomat, was assigned to turn the founder's vision of a new and
independent, and wholly secular newspaper, into reality in only nine
months after the Star's presses fell silent. Using borrowed presses and
staffed on the fly by a few newspaper professionals recruited by News
World's small working group, The Washington Times began publishing five
days a week on May 17, 1982, from a makeshift newsroom, still under
construction in an old warehouse at 3600 New York Ave. NE. One of the
last remaining veterans of the beginning of the long march is Ted Agres,
who is now the deputy managing editor.
The motivations and aspirations of the men and women who invested the
money to start up The Times were spelled out in an inaugural editorial:
"They feel, in common with many other conservatives, that the left
side of the debate has been more than adequately represented in that
[Washington] media mix the right side hardly at all. But they are also
realistic enough to know that this vitally needed newspaper could not
survive, either, unless it were free and independent."
Creative turmoil and a transient newsroom staff dominated by former Star
hands and assorted colorful characters one of whom lived in a hearse in
the parking lot until the cops told him to move on characterized the early
years. One visitor took a look around the newsroom and said, not without
ironic appreciation: "The Times is the Foreign Legion of newspapers."
James R. Whelan, the first editor in chief, departed after two years in a
dispute with corporate management. He was followed briefly by his No. 2,
Smith Hempstone, who had been an editor at the Star and who would later
become U.S. ambassador to Kenya.
Arnaud de Borchgrave, a storied foreign correspondent and editor at
Newsweek, arrived as editor in chief in 1985. The European-born Mr. de
Borchgrave, who had gone to war at sea as a teen-ager at the outbreak
of World War II, put The Times on the map with an emphasis on exclusives
especially in international news, intelligence affairs and foreign policy
and including his own interviews with world leaders.
He relishes telling of how the late Katharine Graham, chairman of The
Washington Post Co., approached him at a state dinner some months into
his tenure. "Arnaud," she said, "I have to tell you, the paper is looking
good in fact, too good."
Wes Pruden, an old-school American newspaperman and Baptist preacher's son
who had first come up from Little Rock to work on Dow Jones' National
Observer, had joined The Times as chief political reporter three
months after the founding. He had covered the civil rights struggle
in the South, the Vietnam War and fighting in the Middle East for the
Observer. He took over as editor in chief in 1991, the year he won the
H.L. Mencken Prize for his wry, take-no-prisoners column, Pruden on
Politics, which has been a popular fixture in The Times since 1984.
He is fond of reminding the newsroom of an ancient axiom in the trade,
that "a newspaper editor has no friends." A good reporter follows the
story, and an honest editor lets the chips, the embarrassment and on
occasion an indictment or a lost election fall where they will. "Your
ultimate responsibility," he tells editors and reporters, "is to your
readers, not to your sources." The only way for a newspaper to win
readers, "who are more important than prizes," he often says, is to
"get it first and get it right." 'A paper to reckon with'
Some signposts along the 20-year march:
The initial thrust of The Times was to chronicle the twilight years of
the Cold War, America's struggle against communism. These were the years
when President Reagan pushed for aid to the Contra rebels in Nicaragua
and the toppling of the Marxist Sandinista regime; aid to El Salvador
while it was under siege by Soviet-backed leftist guerrillas; support
for the Solidarity movement in Poland and the anti-Soviet resistance in
Afghanistan; economic warfare against the Soviet Union and development of
a space-based Strategic Defense Initiative, or "Star Wars." Mr. Reagan's
unwavering stand on "Star Wars," which few major newspapers besides The
Times supported is widely regarded now as the beginning of the end of
the Cold War.)
The Times promised readers it would be "a newspaper of ideas and ideals,"
and the cultural arguments over what came to be called "traditional
values" have been carefully and dispassionately chronicled in the pages
of The Times. Five fronts predominated the "culture war," education,
the sexual revolution, religion and social-welfare policies as the
newspaper documented and analyzed such divisive issues as abortion, AIDS,
homosexual rights, welfare reform, drug abuse, family breakdown, sexual
promiscuity, social engineering in the military and failed experiments
in public education.
Investigative reporting by The Times on a succession of congressional
scandals in the late 1980s and early 1990s contributed to the downfall of
several powerful political figures, such as House Speaker Jim Wright of
Texas and Rep. Dan Rostenkowski of Illinois, and prompted the House's
severe reprimand of Rep. Barney Frank for using his public office to
assist the sordid business of a live-in "call boy." The voter backlash
in 1992 against abuses of power and public trust at the House Post
Office and House bank was fueled by numerous disclosures in The Times,
producing a turnover of 100 seats in the House the largest number in
four decades. Two years later, Republicans running as reformers took
over both houses of Congress.
The Times early on proved itself to be an equal-opportunity watchdog of
the public trust, from George Archibald's exposes of influence peddling
by Michael Deaver, once Ronald Reagan's top aide, to Ralph Z. Hallow's
reports on the unkept promises of the first President Bush and onetime
House Speaker Newt Gingrich.
The Times made its name in local coverage during the tenure of D.C. Mayor
Marion Barry, uncovering case after case of bureaucratic bungling,
cronyism, corruption and waste in the District's government and schools
that ignited the outrage of taxpayers and eventually fueled congressional
resolve to impose reforms on the city.
The Times was the first national newspaper to raise questions about Bill
Clinton's personal misbehavior while he was still governor of Arkansas,
and despite early criticism from other news organizations, it never let
go of the unfolding story. That initial reporting in 1991 on long-rumored
sexual dalliances made a compelling link between the future president's
private and public behavior the abuse of his office to feed illicit
appetites. It proved a foretaste of the obstruction and false testimony
that led to Mr. Clinton's impeachment by the House in 1998.
The Times was credited for setting the pace in investigating and detailing
the Whitewater scandal, such as Jerry Seper's landmark exclusive in late
1993 that Clinton aides had removed Whitewater-related documents from the
office of White House Deputy Counsel Vincent W. Foster Jr. the night he
killed himself. Within weeks, the president no longer could resist Hill
demands for an independent counsel to investigate. The twisting trail
of presidential peccadillos, and worse, would lead four years later to
an intern named Monica Lewinsky.
Pentagon correspondent Rowan Scarborough led coverage of the Clinton
administration's repeated efforts to sacrificing combat readiness and
morale to the demands of radical feminists and homosexual activists,
over the spirited protests of senior military officers. Military voters
proved a decisive bloc in George W. Bush's victory over Al Gore in 2000.
Bill Gertz, singled out by military and intelligence experts as the most
respected (or feared) national-security reporter in Washington, broke so
many stories about threats posed by communist nations and rogue states
that officials in four administrations complained that he embarrassed or
angered their president. His reporting, particularly relentless on China's
arms buildup and provision of nuclear missile technology to Pakistan,
Iran and other countries in violation of international agreements,
led to his denunciation by the Beijing government.
"The Washington Times, fighting biases against both its founder and its
editorial page, has quite simply become one of the most influential
newspapers in the world," says Francis B. Coombs Jr., who rose from
national editor to deputy managing editor in the 1990s and was named
managing editor early this year, following the distinguished tenures of
Josette Shiner and William E. Giles. "We always set our sights on the
New York Times and The Washington Post as our chief rivals, and we've
gone a long, long way in challenging them, despite disparities in budget
and personnel."
The second decade brought additions and innovations, starting with the
debut in September 1991 of Saturday and Sunday editions that gave readers
a weekend choice in Washington for the first time since the demise of
the Star.
Other now familiar offerings include Washington Daybook, Inside Politics
and Inside the Ring on the national pages; the Briefing Page and Embassy
Row on the foreign pages; Culture, et cetera, a page covering the
intersection of politics with religion and culture; and a section called
Family Times to help families meet and survive the latest challenges to
successful parenting.
"[A] growing number of fans, many of them liberals, have stumbled upon a
useful little secret," Washington Monthly said in a 1997 cover story. "The
Washington Times has become a must-read. Not only because it occasionally
breaks a really big story, but because The Times now offers a daily menu
of straight, ground-breaking, essential news, often on subjects to which
other outlets give short shrift."
As an unidentified official in the Clinton White House told the magazine:
"You can't not read The Times if you're working in government and politics
in Washington. There's unique information that they get that you won't
find anywhere else."
Reported MediaWeek: "Like it or not (and many folks don't), The Washington
Times, founded in 1982, has become a paper to reckon with. Now, on any
given Sunday, viewers may see Tim Russert, host of 'Meet the Press,'
waving a copy of the paper as he fires salvos at the White House chief
of staff or the Democratic leadership."
Joseph Laitin, onetime ombudsman for The Post, memorably observed: "The
Washington Times on the whole has better judgment of what to put on Page
One than The Post." Another Post ombudsman, Michael Getler, wrote last
fall that The Times "administered the water-torture treatment to The Post"
with three important exclusives the previous week: "Every newspaper,
even one as big as The Post, gets beat from time to time on local
stories. But three pops in one week ought to flash yellow lights here."
May 17, 2002
Surviving, and thriving, as a first source of news
The Washington Times turns 20 today with the international reputation
for hard-hitting news reporting and robust opinion pages that even its
most loyal readers would not have dared predict when the newspaper was
born in the late spring of 1982.
Certain wise men said this new newspaper in the nation's capital would
survive six months. Some said six weeks. They said it never would live
long enough to earn respect and credibility, to achieve influence,
to win the admiration of skeptics, to see the dawn of its third decade.
But it did.
The Washington Times would not only survive, but thrive. It began as a
scrappy alternative to its entrenched competition, speaking to the world
as a ringing independent voice. The Times matured in its second decade
as a reliable source of news and information that readers say they can't
find elsewhere and, on the editorial page and in its commentary pages,
a vigilant and unapologetic defender of the values of God and country,
of faith and family.
Speaker of the House J. Dennis Hastert, Illinois Republican, expresses the
oft-heard verdict: "Washington has not been the same since The Washington
Times arrived on the scene 20 years ago. It has become a more informed
city where a real diversity of opinion is heard."
Readers who may disagree with the editorial page's firm, clear stand on
traditional values and conservative principles nevertheless say that
both Washington and the national debate are livelier and more honest
for the presence of The Times.
"Debate is the noise of democracy," says Senate Majority Leader Tom
Daschle of South Dakota, the town's top Democrat. "That's why I value
The Washington Times. For 20 years, The Times has helped make Washington
noisier, our national debate more vigorous and our democracy stronger."
Defying the odds
The story of an unexpected second newspaper in Washington is a story of
tenacity and determination, of two decades of dedication and distinction.
The Times struggled to establish itself as an alternative to The
Washington Post and the dominant media culture at the apogee of the Cold
War, when communism and despotism seemed to be on the march, with the
traditional American values in apparent retreat. The newspaper had to
overcome suspicions of its founder's purpose and endure the hostility
of a smug media establishment while learning the hard way from its
growing pains.
In its second decade The Times could consolidate its strengths and,
with communism at last relegated to the ash heap of history, contribute
to the reshaping of the media landscape and project its influence over
the national agenda. Its news and opinion columns spurred among other
changes a historic turnover in Congress, the close questioning of a
president's character and a reawakening of appreciation for the values
upon which the nation was founded.
The Times, in no small part because of aggressive coverage of the White
House, Congress, national security and foreign policy as well as local
affairs, grew to be one of the most quoted newspapers in the world,
read not only in Washington but in the capitals of the rest of the world.
"There's nothing like a good Washington Times editorial to get my juices
going for the day's debates in the Senate," says Sen. Edward M. Kennedy,
Massachusetts Democrat. "I respect and commend The Times for its in-depth
coverage of Congress. I send my congratulations and best wishes on the
20th anniversary."
Today, a top-rated Web site (www.washingtontimes.com); a National Weekly
Edition (that overtook The Washington Post's national weekly edition in
circulation); and dozens of monthly "pickups" of its stories by other
news organizations have combined to project the influence of "America's
Newspaper" far beyond its growing Washington circulation base.
Unofficial audited daily circulation climbed to 110,200 in March even as
The Post's formidable circulation, which had reached 780,000, continued
to fall. The Internet edition, introduced in May 1996 and upgraded
regularly, early this year recorded a peak of 18 million monthly "page
views" measuring visitors, not multiple visits.
Wesley Pruden, who shaped the newspaper as managing editor under Arnaud
de Borchgrave in the first decade and then as editor in chief through
the second, has kept the emphasis on the fundamentals of old-fashioned
"shoe-leather" reporting. He nurtured a period of stable growth
and acceptance in which The Times projected a mature influence while
attracting new talent and solidifying its reputation as a must-read for
everyone with a stake in what goes on in Washington.
The Times is not only "a very good read," Brookings Institution media
analyst and senior fellow Stephen Hess told the trade magazine Presstime
last month, but can be counted among the nation's best 10 newspapers.
None of this could have been foreseen on Aug. 7, 1981, the day newspaper
competition disappeared in Washington. Time Inc., unable to extend its
talent with glossy magazines into the gritty, down-and-dirty world of
daily newspapers, finally shuttered the 129-year-old Washington Star,
which had been the dominant voice and advertising vehicle in town as
late as the 1960s.
"The first thing to be said about The Washington Times is that its
existence is a small miracle, or maybe even a big one," says Sen. Phil
Gramm, Texas Republican. "From its first day, the paper has defied the
experts, the critics and the odds just by being there. The Times was
born into a market famous for killing off major dailies, and it arrived
at a time when big-city newspapers had begun to die off all over America."
In a time and place before the Internet, CNN, MSNBC and Fox News, when
information, and control of access to information, was the ultimate power,
The Washington Post reigned in splendid isolation in the nation's capital,
answerable not even to public opinion.
The Post, which four years earlier had celebrated its centennial status
as "the powerful voice of liberal American democracy," was perhaps
the newspaper least vulnerable to competition in all the world. Not
even Pravda enjoyed such domination of the early-morning attention of
policy-makers in its capital.
Ronald Reagan was still new in town, trying to stoke the fires of the free
market and buck up the courage of the free world. But a lot of his matches
were wet. Mr. Reagan had achieved the impossible; he was a conservative
who had gotten himself elected president of the United States. He was
greeted by the dominant media establishment with incredulity, suspicion,
frustration, even anger.
A recession inherited from his predecessor threatened to descend into
a depression as the unemployment rate, the highest since 1940, bumped
10 percent. Interest rates nudged close to 20 percent. The news on
the financial pages was grim, almost without relief: layoffs, factory
closings, declining personal income.
The Rev. Sun Myung Moon, the Korean evangelist who had survived communist
persecution, torture and imprisonment in the 1940s to found a worldwide
religious movement in the 1950s and promote intercultural understanding
in the 1960s, anticipated the death of the Star with growing concern.
A group of Korean businessmen and others, members of the Unification
Church, had managed successful enterprises around the world, including
newspapers in Tokyo, Paris, New York and Cyprus in the mid-1970s. They
regarded the lack of robust press debate in Washington as a danger not
only to their own country, threatened by a heavily armed and hostile
neighbor only 38 miles from Seoul, or to the United States, but to the
free world that looked to America for leadership.
"When Washington, D.C., the nation's capital, ended up with one liberal
newspaper, The Washington Post, I waited for some rich people with a lot
of resources to come forward and publish a patriotic newspaper there,"
Rev. Moon said in December 1982, seven months after the founding of The
Times. "Since no one did, I stood up and said, 'Let's do it.'"
A new day
News World Communications Inc., publisher of a small daily in New
York and headed at the time by Bo Hi Pak, a businessman and onetime
Korean diplomat, was assigned to turn the founder's vision of a new and
independent, and wholly secular newspaper, into reality in only nine
months after the Star's presses fell silent. Using borrowed presses and
staffed on the fly by a few newspaper professionals recruited by News
World's small working group, The Washington Times began publishing five
days a week on May 17, 1982, from a makeshift newsroom, still under
construction in an old warehouse at 3600 New York Ave. NE. One of the
last remaining veterans of the beginning of the long march is Ted Agres,
who is now the deputy managing editor.
The motivations and aspirations of the men and women who invested the
money to start up The Times were spelled out in an inaugural editorial:
"They feel, in common with many other conservatives, that the left
side of the debate has been more than adequately represented in that
[Washington] media mix the right side hardly at all. But they are also
realistic enough to know that this vitally needed newspaper could not
survive, either, unless it were free and independent."
Creative turmoil and a transient newsroom staff dominated by former Star
hands and assorted colorful characters one of whom lived in a hearse in
the parking lot until the cops told him to move on characterized the early
years. One visitor took a look around the newsroom and said, not without
ironic appreciation: "The Times is the Foreign Legion of newspapers."
James R. Whelan, the first editor in chief, departed after two years in a
dispute with corporate management. He was followed briefly by his No. 2,
Smith Hempstone, who had been an editor at the Star and who would later
become U.S. ambassador to Kenya.
Arnaud de Borchgrave, a storied foreign correspondent and editor at
Newsweek, arrived as editor in chief in 1985. The European-born Mr. de
Borchgrave, who had gone to war at sea as a teen-ager at the outbreak
of World War II, put The Times on the map with an emphasis on exclusives
especially in international news, intelligence affairs and foreign policy
and including his own interviews with world leaders.
He relishes telling of how the late Katharine Graham, chairman of The
Washington Post Co., approached him at a state dinner some months into
his tenure. "Arnaud," she said, "I have to tell you, the paper is looking
good in fact, too good."
Wes Pruden, an old-school American newspaperman and Baptist preacher's son
who had first come up from Little Rock to work on Dow Jones' National
Observer, had joined The Times as chief political reporter three
months after the founding. He had covered the civil rights struggle
in the South, the Vietnam War and fighting in the Middle East for the
Observer. He took over as editor in chief in 1991, the year he won the
H.L. Mencken Prize for his wry, take-no-prisoners column, Pruden on
Politics, which has been a popular fixture in The Times since 1984.
He is fond of reminding the newsroom of an ancient axiom in the trade,
that "a newspaper editor has no friends." A good reporter follows the
story, and an honest editor lets the chips, the embarrassment and on
occasion an indictment or a lost election fall where they will. "Your
ultimate responsibility," he tells editors and reporters, "is to your
readers, not to your sources." The only way for a newspaper to win
readers, "who are more important than prizes," he often says, is to
"get it first and get it right." 'A paper to reckon with'
Some signposts along the 20-year march:
The initial thrust of The Times was to chronicle the twilight years of
the Cold War, America's struggle against communism. These were the years
when President Reagan pushed for aid to the Contra rebels in Nicaragua
and the toppling of the Marxist Sandinista regime; aid to El Salvador
while it was under siege by Soviet-backed leftist guerrillas; support
for the Solidarity movement in Poland and the anti-Soviet resistance in
Afghanistan; economic warfare against the Soviet Union and development of
a space-based Strategic Defense Initiative, or "Star Wars." Mr. Reagan's
unwavering stand on "Star Wars," which few major newspapers besides The
Times supported is widely regarded now as the beginning of the end of
the Cold War.)
The Times promised readers it would be "a newspaper of ideas and ideals,"
and the cultural arguments over what came to be called "traditional
values" have been carefully and dispassionately chronicled in the pages
of The Times. Five fronts predominated the "culture war," education,
the sexual revolution, religion and social-welfare policies as the
newspaper documented and analyzed such divisive issues as abortion, AIDS,
homosexual rights, welfare reform, drug abuse, family breakdown, sexual
promiscuity, social engineering in the military and failed experiments
in public education.
Investigative reporting by The Times on a succession of congressional
scandals in the late 1980s and early 1990s contributed to the downfall of
several powerful political figures, such as House Speaker Jim Wright of
Texas and Rep. Dan Rostenkowski of Illinois, and prompted the House's
severe reprimand of Rep. Barney Frank for using his public office to
assist the sordid business of a live-in "call boy." The voter backlash
in 1992 against abuses of power and public trust at the House Post
Office and House bank was fueled by numerous disclosures in The Times,
producing a turnover of 100 seats in the House the largest number in
four decades. Two years later, Republicans running as reformers took
over both houses of Congress.
The Times early on proved itself to be an equal-opportunity watchdog of
the public trust, from George Archibald's exposes of influence peddling
by Michael Deaver, once Ronald Reagan's top aide, to Ralph Z. Hallow's
reports on the unkept promises of the first President Bush and onetime
House Speaker Newt Gingrich.
The Times made its name in local coverage during the tenure of D.C. Mayor
Marion Barry, uncovering case after case of bureaucratic bungling,
cronyism, corruption and waste in the District's government and schools
that ignited the outrage of taxpayers and eventually fueled congressional
resolve to impose reforms on the city.
The Times was the first national newspaper to raise questions about Bill
Clinton's personal misbehavior while he was still governor of Arkansas,
and despite early criticism from other news organizations, it never let
go of the unfolding story. That initial reporting in 1991 on long-rumored
sexual dalliances made a compelling link between the future president's
private and public behavior the abuse of his office to feed illicit
appetites. It proved a foretaste of the obstruction and false testimony
that led to Mr. Clinton's impeachment by the House in 1998.
The Times was credited for setting the pace in investigating and detailing
the Whitewater scandal, such as Jerry Seper's landmark exclusive in late
1993 that Clinton aides had removed Whitewater-related documents from the
office of White House Deputy Counsel Vincent W. Foster Jr. the night he
killed himself. Within weeks, the president no longer could resist Hill
demands for an independent counsel to investigate. The twisting trail
of presidential peccadillos, and worse, would lead four years later to
an intern named Monica Lewinsky.
Pentagon correspondent Rowan Scarborough led coverage of the Clinton
administration's repeated efforts to sacrificing combat readiness and
morale to the demands of radical feminists and homosexual activists,
over the spirited protests of senior military officers. Military voters
proved a decisive bloc in George W. Bush's victory over Al Gore in 2000.
Bill Gertz, singled out by military and intelligence experts as the most
respected (or feared) national-security reporter in Washington, broke so
many stories about threats posed by communist nations and rogue states
that officials in four administrations complained that he embarrassed or
angered their president. His reporting, particularly relentless on China's
arms buildup and provision of nuclear missile technology to Pakistan,
Iran and other countries in violation of international agreements,
led to his denunciation by the Beijing government.
"The Washington Times, fighting biases against both its founder and its
editorial page, has quite simply become one of the most influential
newspapers in the world," says Francis B. Coombs Jr., who rose from
national editor to deputy managing editor in the 1990s and was named
managing editor early this year, following the distinguished tenures of
Josette Shiner and William E. Giles. "We always set our sights on the
New York Times and The Washington Post as our chief rivals, and we've
gone a long, long way in challenging them, despite disparities in budget
and personnel."
The second decade brought additions and innovations, starting with the
debut in September 1991 of Saturday and Sunday editions that gave readers
a weekend choice in Washington for the first time since the demise of
the Star.
Other now familiar offerings include Washington Daybook, Inside Politics
and Inside the Ring on the national pages; the Briefing Page and Embassy
Row on the foreign pages; Culture, et cetera, a page covering the
intersection of politics with religion and culture; and a section called
Family Times to help families meet and survive the latest challenges to
successful parenting.
"[A] growing number of fans, many of them liberals, have stumbled upon a
useful little secret," Washington Monthly said in a 1997 cover story. "The
Washington Times has become a must-read. Not only because it occasionally
breaks a really big story, but because The Times now offers a daily menu
of straight, ground-breaking, essential news, often on subjects to which
other outlets give short shrift."
As an unidentified official in the Clinton White House told the magazine:
"You can't not read The Times if you're working in government and politics
in Washington. There's unique information that they get that you won't
find anywhere else."
Reported MediaWeek: "Like it or not (and many folks don't), The Washington
Times, founded in 1982, has become a paper to reckon with. Now, on any
given Sunday, viewers may see Tim Russert, host of 'Meet the Press,'
waving a copy of the paper as he fires salvos at the White House chief
of staff or the Democratic leadership."
Joseph Laitin, onetime ombudsman for The Post, memorably observed: "The
Washington Times on the whole has better judgment of what to put on Page
One than The Post." Another Post ombudsman, Michael Getler, wrote last
fall that The Times "administered the water-torture treatment to The Post"
with three important exclusives the previous week: "Every newspaper,
even one as big as The Post, gets beat from time to time on local
stories. But three pops in one week ought to flash yellow lights here."
其一,在美國教會史上,1879年出現了一個由艾迪夫人(Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy. 1821-1910)所創的新興非正統教會「基督教科學會」,在當時被視為異端。該教會於1908年創立《基督教科學箴言報》,有了媒體的支撐,它的正當性和教勢遂取得了極佳的戰略位置,因而得以持續成長,《基督教科學箴言報》後來演變為一個頗受尊敬的溫和保守派報紙。而《華盛頓時報》則是由南韓人文鮮明創設的「統一教」所辦。該教會也因為報紙的緣故,而開始和美國政治主流掛鉤,並因而取得了教會在美國立足的正當性。小教派而辦報,《華盛頓時報》是繼《基督教科學箴言報》之後的第二個特例。
其二,《基督教科學箴言報》所繼承的仍是西方文明的中庸精神,但《華盛頓時報》則不然。它將日本戰前的反共軍國主義與戰後東亞的冷戰意識形態熔為一爐,而後和美國新崛起的基督教極右保守主義混合。因此這份報紙超級好戰,並整個顛覆了美國報業客觀公正的傳統。它為了目的而可以不擇手段的製造謠言,進行人身攻擊,儼然成了美國極右派的打手兼傳聲筒。曾在統一教裡做過幹部的哈山(Steve Hassan)即說過:「該報與保守主義無關,它是法西斯主義。」
其三,「統一教」在1970年代美國越戰失敗的思想真空期進入美國,將東方反共法西斯的思想帶進了美國,使得美國極右翼找到了這個來自東方的盟友,因而從深層的意識形態而言,《華盛頓時報》所代表的,乃是西方保守主義的東方化,因而東方政治裡那些丟棄都還來不及的元素,遂一點點的被滲透進了美國人的心靈中。整個美國的政治生態遂一步步的加速出現「返祖現象」。今天美國有所謂「負面競選術」(Negative Campaign)之說,它始於1988年老布希對民主黨候選人杜凱吉斯的大選之役。在那次大選中,最早用卑鄙下流手段對付杜凱吉斯的,就是《華盛頓時報》。
由於《華盛頓時報》具有改變美國政治及媒體生態的作用,因而在過去10多年裡,它儼然已成了美國極右派的機關報。雷根曾說過他「每日必讀該報」,而老布希則曾在白宮私宴該報總編輯普魯頓(Wesley Pruden),稱許該報「極有價值,我每天必看」。文鮮明自己曾宣稱,該報在美國大大小小1750家報紙裡,為「三大具有影響力的報紙之一」,這當然是自吹自擂。但該報具有相當大的影響力仍毋庸置疑。
文鮮明,1920年1月6日出生於朝鮮半島西北部的一個基督教家庭,以目前南北韓的疆界而分,他應算為北韓人。第二次大戰之後,他到朝鮮半島南部,進入一個稱為 Israel Suowon 的小型崇拜團體。但該團體被認為涉及不當性行為及乖僻之教義,南部無法立足,他遂返回北方,但被捕兩次並入獄,韓戰爆發時,他正在北韓坐牢,美軍一度打到北邊,他因而出獄。韓戰結束,他輾轉又到南韓,並於1954年創設統一教。
當文鮮明的統一教在亞洲的活動已趨正常後,1964年,出身於南韓中央情報局,曾任駐美武官,後來成為文鮮明親信的朴柏希(Bo Hi Pak,譯音)赴美成立了一個自由基金會,這是統一教赴美的開始,也是後來演變為「南韓門」有關南韓對美遊說工作大規模展開的濫觴。
——在經營上,它在創報之初曾信誓旦旦宣稱將依新聞專業原則辦報,但實質上則是統一教對該報嚴重的予以例行干擾。因而該報的創始總編輯兼發行人魏南(James Whelan)、總主筆契斯雪爾(William Cheshire)以及許多工作者皆先後離職。離職員工最受不了的,乃是他們對捏造新聞根本無所謂的視之為當然。
例如,在1982年美國對雷根政府的「伊朗尼遊案」展開調查,該報遂藉機表態,全力為雷根政府的違法亂紀曲意辯護,並對獨立調查的檢察官瓦許(Lawrence Walsh)展開抨擊。當一個政府違法亂紀還會被人讚揚,美國保守派日益倒退遂告出現。
因此,文鮮明有了《華盛頓時報》後,東方式的那種反共法西斯作風,已透過該報而像基因轉殖般的一點一點滲入到美國共和黨內。據該報觀察者克拉克遜(Fred Clarkson)、白瑞(Robert Parry)等人所述,這份報紙每年要花掉文鮮明大約1億美元,但他所得到的意識形態影響力卻難以估計。他們並指出,在過去長期以來,文鮮明並透過種種方式,大約捐獻給布希家族1000萬美元的政治獻金,當然更別說它和保守派動員組織如「保守派政治行動委員會」、「道德大多數」等更密切的關係了。
也正因此,《華盛頓時報》對美國究竟是好是壞,其實是大可商榷的。東方的法西斯主義已在漸漸退卻,但它卻在美國找到了新的寄主,並得以快速的繁殖開來。美國極右當道,這是20年前不可思議的事情,而現在卻已見怪不怪。美國政治自由和民主素質正快速倒退,《華盛頓時報》實在是始作俑者!(新新聞 http://www.new7.com.tw) (tJ)
其一,在美國教會史上,1879年出現了一個由艾迪夫人(Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy. 1821-1910)所創的新興非正統教會「基督教科學會」,在當時被視為異端。該教會於1908年創立《基督教科學箴言報》,有了媒體的支撐,它的正當性和教勢遂取得了極佳的戰略位置,因而得以持續成長,《基督教科學箴言報》後來演變為一個頗受尊敬的溫和保守派報紙。而《華盛頓時報》則是由南韓人文鮮明創設的「統一教」所辦。該教會也因為報紙的緣故,而開始和美國政治主流掛鉤,並因而取得了教會在美國立足的正當性。小教派而辦報,《華盛頓時報》是繼《基督教科學箴言報》之後的第二個特例。
其二,《基督教科學箴言報》所繼承的仍是西方文明的中庸精神,但《華盛頓時報》則不然。它將日本戰前的反共軍國主義與戰後東亞的冷戰意識形態熔為一爐,而後和美國新崛起的基督教極右保守主義混合。因此這份報紙超級好戰,並整個顛覆了美國報業客觀公正的傳統。它為了目的而可以不擇手段的製造謠言,進行人身攻擊,儼然成了美國極右派的打手兼傳聲筒。曾在統一教裡做過幹部的哈山(Steve Hassan)即說過:「該報與保守主義無關,它是法西斯主義。」
其三,「統一教」在1970年代美國越戰失敗的思想真空期進入美國,將東方反共法西斯的思想帶進了美國,使得美國極右翼找到了這個來自東方的盟友,因而從深層的意識形態而言,《華盛頓時報》所代表的,乃是西方保守主義的東方化,因而東方政治裡那些丟棄都還來不及的元素,遂一點點的被滲透進了美國人的心靈中。整個美國的政治生態遂一步步的加速出現「返祖現象」。今天美國有所謂「負面競選術」(Negative Campaign)之說,它始於1988年老布希對民主黨候選人杜凱吉斯的大選之役。在那次大選中,最早用卑鄙下流手段對付杜凱吉斯的,就是《華盛頓時報》。
由於《華盛頓時報》具有改變美國政治及媒體生態的作用,因而在過去10多年裡,它儼然已成了美國極右派的機關報。雷根曾說過他「每日必讀該報」,而老布希則曾在白宮私宴該報總編輯普魯頓(Wesley Pruden),稱許該報「極有價值,我每天必看」。文鮮明自己曾宣稱,該報在美國大大小小1750家報紙裡,為「三大具有影響力的報紙之一」,這當然是自吹自擂。但該報具有相當大的影響力仍毋庸置疑。
文鮮明,1920年1月6日出生於朝鮮半島西北部的一個基督教家庭,以目前南北韓的疆界而分,他應算為北韓人。第二次大戰之後,他到朝鮮半島南部,進入一個稱為 Israel Suowon 的小型崇拜團體。但該團體被認為涉及不當性行為及乖僻之教義,南部無法立足,他遂返回北方,但被捕兩次並入獄,韓戰爆發時,他正在北韓坐牢,美軍一度打到北邊,他因而出獄。韓戰結束,他輾轉又到南韓,並於1954年創設統一教。
當文鮮明的統一教在亞洲的活動已趨正常後,1964年,出身於南韓中央情報局,曾任駐美武官,後來成為文鮮明親信的朴柏希(Bo Hi Pak,譯音)赴美成立了一個自由基金會,這是統一教赴美的開始,也是後來演變為「南韓門」有關南韓對美遊說工作大規模展開的濫觴。
——在經營上,它在創報之初曾信誓旦旦宣稱將依新聞專業原則辦報,但實質上則是統一教對該報嚴重的予以例行干擾。因而該報的創始總編輯兼發行人魏南(James Whelan)、總主筆契斯雪爾(William Cheshire)以及許多工作者皆先後離職。離職員工最受不了的,乃是他們對捏造新聞根本無所謂的視之為當然。
例如,在1982年美國對雷根政府的「伊朗尼遊案」展開調查,該報遂藉機表態,全力為雷根政府的違法亂紀曲意辯護,並對獨立調查的檢察官瓦許(Lawrence Walsh)展開抨擊。當一個政府違法亂紀還會被人讚揚,美國保守派日益倒退遂告出現。
因此,文鮮明有了《華盛頓時報》後,東方式的那種反共法西斯作風,已透過該報而像基因轉殖般的一點一點滲入到美國共和黨內。據該報觀察者克拉克遜(Fred Clarkson)、白瑞(Robert Parry)等人所述,這份報紙每年要花掉文鮮明大約1億美元,但他所得到的意識形態影響力卻難以估計。他們並指出,在過去長期以來,文鮮明並透過種種方式,大約捐獻給布希家族1000萬美元的政治獻金,當然更別說它和保守派動員組織如「保守派政治行動委員會」、「道德大多數」等更密切的關係了。
也正因此,《華盛頓時報》對美國究竟是好是壞,其實是大可商榷的。東方的法西斯主義已在漸漸退卻,但它卻在美國找到了新的寄主,並得以快速的繁殖開來。美國極右當道,這是20年前不可思議的事情,而現在卻已見怪不怪。美國政治自由和民主素質正快速倒退,《華盛頓時報》實在是始作俑者!(新新聞 http://www.new7.com.tw) (tJ)
统一教全称为“世界基督教统一神灵协会”(或译为“世界基督教联合神灵协会”)。教主是韩国人文鲜明(Moon Sun Myung),因此之故,西方人称该教信徒为“文派”(Moonies)。因此具有极浓厚的东方色彩,故又有些人称之为“东方的基督教”。 一些国家和地区的政府、媒体、基督教会和民众则视之为“邪教”。
1927年至1941年,文鲜明在朝鲜读书,1941年4月至1943年9月,在日本早稻田大学附属高等工学校读电气科,并产生了参加朝鲜独立斗争的想法。1943年10月回国。1944年初在朝鲜京城土木建筑会社任电气技师,并追随一位“弥赛亚运动”的领袖、“救世主”金百文,在金氏创办的“以色列修道院”修道6个月。在此期间,他对基督教教义进行“探索”,悟出了一套称之为“原理”的 “新真理”。同年,他与第一位妻子结婚,并改名为“文鲜明”。
统一教宣称,统一世界的希望寄在再度降临的弥赛亚——“再临主”文鲜明及上帝借文鲜明给人类的新启示《原理将论》上 。文鲜明称,耶稣在他梦中出现,指示他建立一个不受邪恶势力影响的全新的社会。他自称被上帝选为信徒的“真正教父”,他和他的信徒将使世界团结成一个和谐的神的王国。
新闻方面:文鲜明为了传播其宗教和政治观点,积极涉足新闻界,握有全球多家新闻媒体。在美国拥有《纽约市论坛报》、《洞察力》、《世界与我》以及西班牙文的《世界新闻》报和FPI 通讯社;在中东拥有《中东时报》;在韩国和日本拥有《世界日报》。
文化方面:统一教充分运用其雄厚的经济实力在文化领域扩大影响。它花费巨额金钱召开全球性的国际学术会议,邀请世界上著名学者参加,其中包括诺贝尔奖金获得者,予以最好的招待。在拉丁美洲,该教成立了“美洲社会团结协会联合会”,该联合会拥有雄厚的经济实力,曾在乌拉圭、阿根廷、玻利维亚和智利举办过多次国际研讨会“(IFC)、“国际科学统一会议” (ICUS)、“教授世界和平年会”(PWPA)、”华盛顿公共政策价值观念研究所”、“国际宗教基金会”(IFR)、“世界宗教大会”(CWR)等十几个协会或基金会。它以这些组织的名义开展活动,对全球的高级知识分子和宗教界高曾人士进行渗透。1984年,统一教在美国华盛顿召开第十三界国际科学团结大会,有42个国家的250名代表参加。次外统一教还成立了一些艺术团体和组织,如小天使舞蹈团、小天使表演艺术中心、环球芭蕾舞蹈团纽约市交响乐团以及国际艺术家协会等。文鲜明称,通过这些活动,“我们渴望在不久的将来,左右全球的政策决定。”
统一教还成立了“国际宗教协会”,专门促进与基督教和其他宗教的对话。在统一教的拉拢下,一些基督教信徒、神职人员转变立场,为该教说好话。1984年7月21日文鲜明因“处心积虑地欺诈政府和妨碍司法公正,包括制造假文件和涂改文件日期进行偷税”,被纽约法院判刑入狱。美国一些宗教教派威胁说要掀起抗议浪潮。一些边缘教派认为这是严重的“宗教破坏事件”,有4000多名宗教领袖抗议司法部门给文鲜明定罪,并计划在白宫外示威。甚至有些宗教领袖提出“要同文在监狱里蹲一个星期,以捍卫美国宪法所保护的宗教自由”。统一教美国主席MOSE KURST 博士更是警告说:对文鲜明进行判决的那天对美国来说是个耻辱日,这是第一次一个世界知名的宗教人物在美国被判刑,“我们相信他是上帝借以在这个时代发挥作用的主要人物,对于诋毁这个人的国家,上帝会阻碍其发展“。由次可见统一教在美国宗教界的影响之大。
统一教全称为“世界基督教统一神灵协会”(或译为“世界基督教联合神灵协会”)。教主是韩国人文鲜明(Moon Sun Myung),因此之故,西方人称该教信徒为“文派”(Moonies)。因此具有极浓厚的东方色彩,故又有些人称之为“东方的基督教”。 一些国家和地区的政府、媒体、基督教会和民众则视之为“邪教”。
1927年至1941年,文鲜明在朝鲜读书,1941年4月至1943年9月,在日本早稻田大学附属高等工学校读电气科,并产生了参加朝鲜独立斗争的想法。1943年10月回国。1944年初在朝鲜京城土木建筑会社任电气技师,并追随一位“弥赛亚运动”的领袖、“救世主”金百文,在金氏创办的“以色列修道院”修道6个月。在此期间,他对基督教教义进行“探索”,悟出了一套称之为“原理”的 “新真理”。同年,他与第一位妻子结婚,并改名为“文鲜明”。
统一教宣称,统一世界的希望寄在再度降临的弥赛亚——“再临主”文鲜明及上帝借文鲜明给人类的新启示《原理将论》上 。文鲜明称,耶稣在他梦中出现,指示他建立一个不受邪恶势力影响的全新的社会。他自称被上帝选为信徒的“真正教父”,他和他的信徒将使世界团结成一个和谐的神的王国。
新闻方面:文鲜明为了传播其宗教和政治观点,积极涉足新闻界,握有全球多家新闻媒体。在美国拥有《纽约市论坛报》、《洞察力》、《世界与我》以及西班牙文的《世界新闻》报和FPI 通讯社;在中东拥有《中东时报》;在韩国和日本拥有《世界日报》。
文化方面:统一教充分运用其雄厚的经济实力在文化领域扩大影响。它花费巨额金钱召开全球性的国际学术会议,邀请世界上著名学者参加,其中包括诺贝尔奖金获得者,予以最好的招待。在拉丁美洲,该教成立了“美洲社会团结协会联合会”,该联合会拥有雄厚的经济实力,曾在乌拉圭、阿根廷、玻利维亚和智利举办过多次国际研讨会“(IFC)、“国际科学统一会议” (ICUS)、“教授世界和平年会”(PWPA)、”华盛顿公共政策价值观念研究所”、“国际宗教基金会”(IFR)、“世界宗教大会”(CWR)等十几个协会或基金会。它以这些组织的名义开展活动,对全球的高级知识分子和宗教界高曾人士进行渗透。1984年,统一教在美国华盛顿召开第十三界国际科学团结大会,有42个国家的250名代表参加。次外统一教还成立了一些艺术团体和组织,如小天使舞蹈团、小天使表演艺术中心、环球芭蕾舞蹈团纽约市交响乐团以及国际艺术家协会等。文鲜明称,通过这些活动,“我们渴望在不久的将来,左右全球的政策决定。”
统一教还成立了“国际宗教协会”,专门促进与基督教和其他宗教的对话。在统一教的拉拢下,一些基督教信徒、神职人员转变立场,为该教说好话。1984年7月21日文鲜明因“处心积虑地欺诈政府和妨碍司法公正,包括制造假文件和涂改文件日期进行偷税”,被纽约法院判刑入狱。美国一些宗教教派威胁说要掀起抗议浪潮。一些边缘教派认为这是严重的“宗教破坏事件”,有4000多名宗教领袖抗议司法部门给文鲜明定罪,并计划在白宫外示威。甚至有些宗教领袖提出“要同文在监狱里蹲一个星期,以捍卫美国宪法所保护的宗教自由”。统一教美国主席MOSE KURST 博士更是警告说:对文鲜明进行判决的那天对美国来说是个耻辱日,这是第一次一个世界知名的宗教人物在美国被判刑,“我们相信他是上帝借以在这个时代发挥作用的主要人物,对于诋毁这个人的国家,上帝会阻碍其发展“。由次可见统一教在美国宗教界的影响之大。
南方网讯 上世纪80年代末90年代初,由于熊猫汽车城和南海石化项目的效应作用,惠州掀起房地产开发热潮,高潮时期汇集上千家房地产开发公司。但是熊猫汽车城遭遇挫折,南海石化项目迟迟不落户,在双重打击下,惠州绝大部分的房地产公司纷纷关门倒闭,仅剩下数十家勉强维持运作,给惠州市留下近百栋烂尾楼,惠州成了与海南、北海齐名的烂尾楼城市。如今,随着中海壳牌石化项目的正式奠基,当地地产市场被再度看好,各路商家纷纷杀入惠州……
南方网讯 上世纪80年代末90年代初,由于熊猫汽车城和南海石化项目的效应作用,惠州掀起房地产开发热潮,高潮时期汇集上千家房地产开发公司。但是熊猫汽车城遭遇挫折,南海石化项目迟迟不落户,在双重打击下,惠州绝大部分的房地产公司纷纷关门倒闭,仅剩下数十家勉强维持运作,给惠州市留下近百栋烂尾楼,惠州成了与海南、北海齐名的烂尾楼城市。如今,随着中海壳牌石化项目的正式奠基,当地地产市场被再度看好,各路商家纷纷杀入惠州……
张良臣 陈述美
《大地》 (2001年第二十一期)
张良臣 陈述美
《大地》 (2001年第二十一期)
Church's Pistol Firm Exploits a Niche
Washington Post/March 10, 1999
By John Mintz
With parts of its sprawling business empire in decline, the Unification Church headed by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon is finding profits in one of the least-known of its commercial ventures: making guns.
Moon's four-year-old gun company, Kahr Arms, has prospered amid glowing reviews for the workmanship of its small but potent pistols. Last month, Kahr Arms expanded, purchasing the company that manufactures Tommy guns, fabled in Roaring '20s mob shootouts from speeding black sedans.
The ties between Kahr Arms and the Unification Church headed by Moon have received almost no notice, both within the close-knit gun industry and among church members. The business arm of the church, whose members believe that Moon is the Messiah and was placed on earth to restore the Garden of Eden, declined to clarify its involvement in the gun business.
One ex-member said that for years church leaders have tried to obscure the movement's involvement with Kahr Arms. "They were afraid if anti-cult groups found out, they'd have a field day," the former member said.
But an examination of corporate records and interviews with experts on the secretive Moon empire demonstrate the links between the church's business network and Kahr Arms. Kahr, whose factory is in Worcester, Mass., is controlled by Kook Jin "Justin" Moon, 28, the elder Moon's fourth son and slated to be second-in-command of the multibillion-dollar Moon empire when the 79-year-old father dies. Justin Moon and his siblings are revered by church members as the Messiah's "True Children."
Some former members and gun industry critics perceive a contradiction between the church's teachings and its corporate involvement in marketing weapons promoted for their concealability and lethality.
"I see an irony, if not hypocrisy, that someone who professes peace and says he's completing Jesus's work also manufactures for profit an implement with no purpose other than killing people," said Tom Diaz, author of "Making a Killing," a new book critical of the firearms industry. "What's the message, turn the other cheek, or lock and load?"
Two years ago a demoralized British member wrote Moon saying he was quitting partly because of the church's involvement with Kahr guns. "I might ask if you, as a founder of a religious organization which has 'world peace' as one of its goals, consider it appropriate to manufacture weapons for sale on the mass market," the member wrote.
Kahr has been in the forefront of seizing on changes in state and federal law and marketing a controversial type of small, six-inch-long handgun whose sales are surging. Guns that size had been around for decades, but they could shoot only small bullets.
Then in recent years, 31 states passed laws, promoted by the National Rifle Association, allowing people to carry concealed weapons. Moreover, in 1994 the government banned manufacture of guns able to hold more than 10 bullets. Now unable to sell popular models shooting up to 21 bullets, the industry searched for new products to sell.
Gun firms - with Kahr at the head of the pack - responded to these changes by finding a new market niche to exploit - small but well-made pistols that fire eight or fewer relatively large 9mm and .40-caliber bullets.
Emergency room physicians blame the spread in the last decade of 9mm and .40-caliber guns for dramatic increases in more devastating and at times fatal gunshot wounds. The NRA says the nation is safer because of the 2 percent or so of adults who always carry handguns, and it cites studies supporting that claim.
Kahr markets its guns for their concealability, among other things. Its K9 model is "the perfect pocket 9mm," says one ad. "No safeties to fumble with when the pressure is on."
Combat Handguns magazine praised Kahr pistols as "made like a fine Swiss watch." Soldier of Fortune said they "pass with flying colors" the key test of any handgun their size: "close range, high stress, rapid-fire desperation shooting when all else has failed."
Kahr guns are used by some police officers as backup weapons holstered on their ankles and shoulders. They have not become popular with criminals, gun experts say, because of their relatively high cost - about $750 apiece - and because the firm is so new.
Last month Kahr Arms bought into a legendarily lethal product line by purchasing Auto-Ordnance Corp., the maker of Thompson submachine guns. The company was founded in 1916 to develop a portable machine gun that its inventors hoped would win World War I. The "Trench Broom" arrived too late for the war but was snapped up by gangsters like John Dillinger and Machine Gun Kelly.
Now Kahr manufactures Auto-Ordnance's line of semiautomatic weapons and is awaiting a federal license that will allow it to make the fully automatic machine guns once beloved by gangsters.
One reason for the Unification Church's expansion into the gun business may be that Moon has often placed money in ventures in which his children have a personal interest. He bought a Manhattan recording studio for a son who was a heavy-metal rock musician, and horse farms for two other children who rode on Korea's Olympic equestrian teams. In the case of Kahr, the elder Moon was drawn to the gun industry by his sons, who are avid firearms hobbyists, said one former member.
Justin Moon graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University with an economics degree in 1992. Then, under his father's orders, he instituted a boardroom shake-up of the church's many firms, placing Moon relatives in the key positions, the former member said. Like his father, "the son was afraid when his dad died, the members would betray the family," the ex-member said. "He wanted everything in the family's name."
Justin Moon then persuaded his father to invest $5 million in Kahr, arguing that it would be a profitable venture. the ex-member said. The son, who has no engineering training, has received five U.S. patents based on his claim that he invented key technical innovations embedded in Kahr's guns. The parent company of Kahr Arms, Saeilo Inc., is an offshoot of a cluster of 15 or so other Moon-affiliated concerns, all called some variation of Saeilo and all in the machine tool or car repair business. For years employees at various of the Saeilo firms have been exhorted to meet sales targets so as not to displease the elder Moon, called "True Father" or "TF."
David Bromley, a Virginia Commonwealth University sociologist who studies the church, said members believe the companies "create connection to the Messiah. ... They create a community and integrate work and family." Moreover, he said, while followers privately view their firms and the church as essentially one entity, in public they often "make fine distinctions between them."
Asked about the tie between the gun firm and the church enterprises, One Up Enterprises Inc., the holding company over many of the church's businesses, said in a statement that it "is not involved with the operations of Saeilo Inc." Asked to elaborate, One Up said it "does not release financial information to the public." Saeilo Inc. said its gun venture is profitable.
An examination of the Saeilo firms' data filed with federal agencies, the telephone company and business reporting firms leaves no doubt that Saeilo Inc. is connected to the rest of the Moon empire.
The church's One Up has long acknowledged that Saeilo Machinery (USA) Inc., a machine tool firm, is an outright subsidiary of One Up. In statements to Dun & Bradstreet and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, Saeilo Inc. and Saeilo Machinery describe themselves as "affiliates." The two firms' headquarters share a telephone number at the same address in Blauvelt, N.Y.
Even as Kahr thrives, some of Moon's other business holdings are in serious decline. His South Korean companies, which include concerns that make car transmissions and sell ginseng, are $2 billion in debt, and many are in bankruptcy. A car plant in China, Panda Motors, has gone under. In addition, donations from members in Korea and Japan have dropped precipitously, in part because of economic distress there.
Larry Zilliox, a McLean private investigator who has researched the Moon business network for a decade, said Moon views enterprises such as Kahr as critical to his future.
"Moon no longer looks at the church as the core organization," said Zilliox, who first established the Kahr-Moon link. "The movement's business part is the enduring part."
Washington Post/March 10, 1999
By John Mintz
With parts of its sprawling business empire in decline, the Unification Church headed by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon is finding profits in one of the least-known of its commercial ventures: making guns.
Moon's four-year-old gun company, Kahr Arms, has prospered amid glowing reviews for the workmanship of its small but potent pistols. Last month, Kahr Arms expanded, purchasing the company that manufactures Tommy guns, fabled in Roaring '20s mob shootouts from speeding black sedans.
The ties between Kahr Arms and the Unification Church headed by Moon have received almost no notice, both within the close-knit gun industry and among church members. The business arm of the church, whose members believe that Moon is the Messiah and was placed on earth to restore the Garden of Eden, declined to clarify its involvement in the gun business.
One ex-member said that for years church leaders have tried to obscure the movement's involvement with Kahr Arms. "They were afraid if anti-cult groups found out, they'd have a field day," the former member said.
But an examination of corporate records and interviews with experts on the secretive Moon empire demonstrate the links between the church's business network and Kahr Arms. Kahr, whose factory is in Worcester, Mass., is controlled by Kook Jin "Justin" Moon, 28, the elder Moon's fourth son and slated to be second-in-command of the multibillion-dollar Moon empire when the 79-year-old father dies. Justin Moon and his siblings are revered by church members as the Messiah's "True Children."
Some former members and gun industry critics perceive a contradiction between the church's teachings and its corporate involvement in marketing weapons promoted for their concealability and lethality.
"I see an irony, if not hypocrisy, that someone who professes peace and says he's completing Jesus's work also manufactures for profit an implement with no purpose other than killing people," said Tom Diaz, author of "Making a Killing," a new book critical of the firearms industry. "What's the message, turn the other cheek, or lock and load?"
Two years ago a demoralized British member wrote Moon saying he was quitting partly because of the church's involvement with Kahr guns. "I might ask if you, as a founder of a religious organization which has 'world peace' as one of its goals, consider it appropriate to manufacture weapons for sale on the mass market," the member wrote.
Kahr has been in the forefront of seizing on changes in state and federal law and marketing a controversial type of small, six-inch-long handgun whose sales are surging. Guns that size had been around for decades, but they could shoot only small bullets.
Then in recent years, 31 states passed laws, promoted by the National Rifle Association, allowing people to carry concealed weapons. Moreover, in 1994 the government banned manufacture of guns able to hold more than 10 bullets. Now unable to sell popular models shooting up to 21 bullets, the industry searched for new products to sell.
Gun firms - with Kahr at the head of the pack - responded to these changes by finding a new market niche to exploit - small but well-made pistols that fire eight or fewer relatively large 9mm and .40-caliber bullets.
Emergency room physicians blame the spread in the last decade of 9mm and .40-caliber guns for dramatic increases in more devastating and at times fatal gunshot wounds. The NRA says the nation is safer because of the 2 percent or so of adults who always carry handguns, and it cites studies supporting that claim.
Kahr markets its guns for their concealability, among other things. Its K9 model is "the perfect pocket 9mm," says one ad. "No safeties to fumble with when the pressure is on."
Combat Handguns magazine praised Kahr pistols as "made like a fine Swiss watch." Soldier of Fortune said they "pass with flying colors" the key test of any handgun their size: "close range, high stress, rapid-fire desperation shooting when all else has failed."
Kahr guns are used by some police officers as backup weapons holstered on their ankles and shoulders. They have not become popular with criminals, gun experts say, because of their relatively high cost - about $750 apiece - and because the firm is so new.
Last month Kahr Arms bought into a legendarily lethal product line by purchasing Auto-Ordnance Corp., the maker of Thompson submachine guns. The company was founded in 1916 to develop a portable machine gun that its inventors hoped would win World War I. The "Trench Broom" arrived too late for the war but was snapped up by gangsters like John Dillinger and Machine Gun Kelly.
Now Kahr manufactures Auto-Ordnance's line of semiautomatic weapons and is awaiting a federal license that will allow it to make the fully automatic machine guns once beloved by gangsters.
One reason for the Unification Church's expansion into the gun business may be that Moon has often placed money in ventures in which his children have a personal interest. He bought a Manhattan recording studio for a son who was a heavy-metal rock musician, and horse farms for two other children who rode on Korea's Olympic equestrian teams. In the case of Kahr, the elder Moon was drawn to the gun industry by his sons, who are avid firearms hobbyists, said one former member.
Justin Moon graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University with an economics degree in 1992. Then, under his father's orders, he instituted a boardroom shake-up of the church's many firms, placing Moon relatives in the key positions, the former member said. Like his father, "the son was afraid when his dad died, the members would betray the family," the ex-member said. "He wanted everything in the family's name."
Justin Moon then persuaded his father to invest $5 million in Kahr, arguing that it would be a profitable venture. the ex-member said. The son, who has no engineering training, has received five U.S. patents based on his claim that he invented key technical innovations embedded in Kahr's guns. The parent company of Kahr Arms, Saeilo Inc., is an offshoot of a cluster of 15 or so other Moon-affiliated concerns, all called some variation of Saeilo and all in the machine tool or car repair business. For years employees at various of the Saeilo firms have been exhorted to meet sales targets so as not to displease the elder Moon, called "True Father" or "TF."
David Bromley, a Virginia Commonwealth University sociologist who studies the church, said members believe the companies "create connection to the Messiah. ... They create a community and integrate work and family." Moreover, he said, while followers privately view their firms and the church as essentially one entity, in public they often "make fine distinctions between them."
Asked about the tie between the gun firm and the church enterprises, One Up Enterprises Inc., the holding company over many of the church's businesses, said in a statement that it "is not involved with the operations of Saeilo Inc." Asked to elaborate, One Up said it "does not release financial information to the public." Saeilo Inc. said its gun venture is profitable.
An examination of the Saeilo firms' data filed with federal agencies, the telephone company and business reporting firms leaves no doubt that Saeilo Inc. is connected to the rest of the Moon empire.
The church's One Up has long acknowledged that Saeilo Machinery (USA) Inc., a machine tool firm, is an outright subsidiary of One Up. In statements to Dun & Bradstreet and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, Saeilo Inc. and Saeilo Machinery describe themselves as "affiliates." The two firms' headquarters share a telephone number at the same address in Blauvelt, N.Y.
Even as Kahr thrives, some of Moon's other business holdings are in serious decline. His South Korean companies, which include concerns that make car transmissions and sell ginseng, are $2 billion in debt, and many are in bankruptcy. A car plant in China, Panda Motors, has gone under. In addition, donations from members in Korea and Japan have dropped precipitously, in part because of economic distress there.
Larry Zilliox, a McLean private investigator who has researched the Moon business network for a decade, said Moon views enterprises such as Kahr as critical to his future.
"Moon no longer looks at the church as the core organization," said Zilliox, who first established the Kahr-Moon link. "The movement's business part is the enduring part."
washington times Background
The Washington Times is a daily newspaper published in Washington, D.C.. It was founded in 1982 as a conservative alternative to the Washington Post by members of the Unification Church.
Reporter Bill Gertz is famed for producing a number of scoops based on sources in the American intelligence community.
The Washington Times Corporation also publishes the New York Noticias Del Mundo, the weekly Insight newsmagazine, and the monthly World&I. Insight provided additional funding to Paula Jones' sexual harassment lawsuit against President Bill Clinton, allowing the suit to continue after her own funding ran out.
The Times has a circulation of approximately 100,000 a day, versus about 700,000 for the Washington Post.
Table of contents [showhide]
1 Relationship to the Unification Church
2 Editorial independence
3 External Links
3.1 General links
3.2 Third-party accounts of Washington Times reportage
Relationship to the Unification Church
The Unification Church calls Rev. Sun Myung Moon the "founder" of the Times:
"Fifteen years ago, when the world was adrift on the stormy waves of the Cold War, I established The Washington Times to fulfill God's desperate desire to save this world. Since that time, I have devoted myself to raising up The Washington Times, hoping that this blessed land of America would fulfill its world-wide mission to build a Heavenly nation. Meanwhile, I waged a lonely struggle, facing enormous obstacles and scorn as I dedicated my whole heart and energy to enable The Washington Times to grow as a righteous and responsible journalistic institution." [1]
However, the Unification Church has been willing to run the paper at a loss to provide a political voice. Critics of the Unification Church claim that operation of the Times is part of an attempt by the Unification Church to gain political influence in Washington, D.C.; to back up this claim, they also refer to the purchase of the UPI newswire service by the Church in 2001 -- a move that gives the Unification Church a press seat on Air Force One.
Despite being owned by the Unification Church, it claims to be independent of the Church, and claims not to propagate the Church's teachings directly. (Compare Christian Science Monitor.) The Times is in favor of many topics other Christian conservative organizations support, including religious freedom for Christians worldwide and a dislike of government interference in private life. The Times states that it does not proselytize directly for the Unification Church.
Editorial independence
Several critics have claimed that the Times is little better than a mouthpiece for the Unification Church, noting that the paper's op-ed pages are often sympathetic to Unification movement concerns. The paper's first publisher, James Whelan, resigned rather than do what he termed knuckling under to church interference with his operation of the paper.
Sometimes, also, the paper has been at odds with the church's position. For example, on March 3, 2003 the lead editorial declared:
"The time has come for the president to publicly declare that it is the decision of the United States government to lead an invasion of Iraq with the intent to change the regime."
Members and observers of the Unification Church note that this is counter to the official church position, which opposes the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
The Washington Times is a daily newspaper published in Washington, D.C.. It was founded in 1982 as a conservative alternative to the Washington Post by members of the Unification Church.
Reporter Bill Gertz is famed for producing a number of scoops based on sources in the American intelligence community.
The Washington Times Corporation also publishes the New York Noticias Del Mundo, the weekly Insight newsmagazine, and the monthly World&I. Insight provided additional funding to Paula Jones' sexual harassment lawsuit against President Bill Clinton, allowing the suit to continue after her own funding ran out.
The Times has a circulation of approximately 100,000 a day, versus about 700,000 for the Washington Post.
Table of contents [showhide]
1 Relationship to the Unification Church
2 Editorial independence
3 External Links
3.1 General links
3.2 Third-party accounts of Washington Times reportage
Relationship to the Unification Church
The Unification Church calls Rev. Sun Myung Moon the "founder" of the Times:
"Fifteen years ago, when the world was adrift on the stormy waves of the Cold War, I established The Washington Times to fulfill God's desperate desire to save this world. Since that time, I have devoted myself to raising up The Washington Times, hoping that this blessed land of America would fulfill its world-wide mission to build a Heavenly nation. Meanwhile, I waged a lonely struggle, facing enormous obstacles and scorn as I dedicated my whole heart and energy to enable The Washington Times to grow as a righteous and responsible journalistic institution." [1]
However, the Unification Church has been willing to run the paper at a loss to provide a political voice. Critics of the Unification Church claim that operation of the Times is part of an attempt by the Unification Church to gain political influence in Washington, D.C.; to back up this claim, they also refer to the purchase of the UPI newswire service by the Church in 2001 -- a move that gives the Unification Church a press seat on Air Force One.
Despite being owned by the Unification Church, it claims to be independent of the Church, and claims not to propagate the Church's teachings directly. (Compare Christian Science Monitor.) The Times is in favor of many topics other Christian conservative organizations support, including religious freedom for Christians worldwide and a dislike of government interference in private life. The Times states that it does not proselytize directly for the Unification Church.
Editorial independence
Several critics have claimed that the Times is little better than a mouthpiece for the Unification Church, noting that the paper's op-ed pages are often sympathetic to Unification movement concerns. The paper's first publisher, James Whelan, resigned rather than do what he termed knuckling under to church interference with his operation of the paper.
Sometimes, also, the paper has been at odds with the church's position. For example, on March 3, 2003 the lead editorial declared:
"The time has come for the president to publicly declare that it is the decision of the United States government to lead an invasion of Iraq with the intent to change the regime."
Members and observers of the Unification Church note that this is counter to the official church position, which opposes the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
華盛頓幾乎所有記者都沒有像華盛頓時報(The Washington Times)負責國家安全的記者格茨(Bill Gertz)那麼能夠挑動人們的強烈情感。他的支持者說,格茨每年曝露中國不端行為和克林頓政府安全漏洞的文章超過許多其它記者一輩子寫的重要文章。
幾乎所有讓北京難堪的文章──從中國同北朝鮮和巴基斯坦的軍事合作到美國核實驗室的間諜活動──都是首先通過格茨報導給公眾的。每當受到挫折的情報官員或國會助手有關於中國的破壞性消息需要洩露時,他們就會找到格茨。他使美國處理中國簡報的官員非常不舒服:他們被迫花費大量的時間來寫備忘錄,回應格茨的“環線之內(Inside the Ring)”專欄文章。
《華盛頓時報》為新聞世界通訊公司所擁有,屬於文鮮明牧師(Sun Myung Moon)的統一教會。格茨說,文鮮明的反共日程對於報紙的編輯內容沒有影響。他說,“我們在編輯上獨立,完全同公司結構分開。”
格茨經常貶損美國的中國專家,說他們對中國太軟弱。他的主要目標從美國駐中國大使普理赫到國家安全委員會的列勃薩(Kenneth Lieberthal)。其它受到攻擊還有前助北京武官海軍少將Eric McVadon,喬治華盛頓大學中國專家沈大偉(David Shambaugh)。他說普理赫是“抱熊貓者”,稱列勃薩是國家安全委員會裡“傾向北京的亞洲主管”,指責Eric McVadon“中國不是威脅理論的主要倡導者,”攻擊沈大偉接受一名中國上校訪問時“近乎幫助北京搜集情報”。
多維周刊總第 20 期
華盛頓幾乎所有記者都沒有像華盛頓時報(The Washington Times)負責國家安全的記者格茨(Bill Gertz)那麼能夠挑動人們的強烈情感。他的支持者說,格茨每年曝露中國不端行為和克林頓政府安全漏洞的文章超過許多其它記者一輩子寫的重要文章。
幾乎所有讓北京難堪的文章──從中國同北朝鮮和巴基斯坦的軍事合作到美國核實驗室的間諜活動──都是首先通過格茨報導給公眾的。每當受到挫折的情報官員或國會助手有關於中國的破壞性消息需要洩露時,他們就會找到格茨。他使美國處理中國簡報的官員非常不舒服:他們被迫花費大量的時間來寫備忘錄,回應格茨的“環線之內(Inside the Ring)”專欄文章。
《華盛頓時報》為新聞世界通訊公司所擁有,屬於文鮮明牧師(Sun Myung Moon)的統一教會。格茨說,文鮮明的反共日程對於報紙的編輯內容沒有影響。他說,“我們在編輯上獨立,完全同公司結構分開。”
格茨經常貶損美國的中國專家,說他們對中國太軟弱。他的主要目標從美國駐中國大使普理赫到國家安全委員會的列勃薩(Kenneth Lieberthal)。其它受到攻擊還有前助北京武官海軍少將Eric McVadon,喬治華盛頓大學中國專家沈大偉(David Shambaugh)。他說普理赫是“抱熊貓者”,稱列勃薩是國家安全委員會裡“傾向北京的亞洲主管”,指責Eric McVadon“中國不是威脅理論的主要倡導者,”攻擊沈大偉接受一名中國上校訪問時“近乎幫助北京搜集情報”。
多維周刊總第 20 期
Quick Guide to the Blue Team
"Blue Team"--a loose alliance of members of Congress, congressional staff, think tank fellows, Republican political operatives, conservative journalists, lobbyists for Taiwan, former intelligence officers and a handful of academics, all united in the view that a rising China poses great risks to America's vital interests. (Washington Post, 22 Feb 2000)
Christopher Cox
Representative from California's 47th District. Chair of the Committee that issued the Cox Report [US National Security and Military/Commercial Concerns with the People's Republic of China], Jan. 1999.
Richard D. Fisher
Managing editor of China Brief, a publication of the Jamestown Foundation. Worked as an aide to Rep. Christopher Cox (R-Calif.). Was Director of Asian Studies Center at Heritage Foundation.
Bill Gertz
The Gertz File Bill Gertz, 50, is a defense and national security reporter for The Washington Times, a position he has held since 1985. He writes a weekly column with Rowan Scarborough, also a Washington Times defense reporter, called Inside the Ring, a chronicle about the ups and downs of the U.S. national security bureaucracy.
Betrayal : how the Clinton administration undermined American security / Bill Gertz. Washington, DC : Regnery Pub. ; Lanham, MD : Distributed to the trade by National Book Network, c1999. 291 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
The China threat : how the People's Republic targets America / Bill Gertz. Washington, DC : Regnery Pub. ; Lanham, MD : Distributed to the trade by National Book Network, c2000. xv, 280 p. : ill., maps ; 24 cm.
Al Santoli
Editor of AFPC's China Reform Monitor. He is the author of numerous books and is a contributing editor for Parade magazine. Santoli served as a combat soldier in the 25th infantry in Vietnam from 1968-69. He currently works as a senior foreign policy analyst for Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA).
China Reform Monitor chronicles the process of reforms in the People's Republic of China and American policy toward China. It was launched in anticipation of the 1997 Washington summit between Presidents Jiang and Clinton and is generally published two to three days per week.
Red China's Move on Panama Canal Part of Pattern: The Panama Canal in transition: China's growing role
Edward Timperlake
Edward T. Timperlake served as professional staff member of the Committee on Rules in the U.S. House of Representatives. He is the investigator for issues on national security and international financial crimes. A graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, he has an MBA from Cornell University. He served as a Marine fighter pilot and the Principal Director of Mobilization, Planning, and Requirements in the Reagan Administration. He was appointed an Assistant Secretary for Public and Intergovernmental Affairs in the Bush Administration, where he was a member of the Desert Storm Communications Task Force. Mr. Timperlake is also a board member of the Vietnam Children's Fund, a pro bono effort to help rebuild elementary schools throughout Vietnam. He lives with his family in Annapolis, MD.
Year of the rat : how Bill Clinton and Al Gore compromised U.S. security for Chinese cash / Edward Timperlake and William C. Triplett II. Publisher: Washington, DC : Regnery Pub. ; Lanham, MD : Distributed to the trade by National Book Network, [2000], c1998.
Red dragon rising : Communist China's military threat to America / Edward Timperlake, William C. Triplett II. Washington, DC : Regnery Pub. ; Lanham, MD : Distributed to the trade by National Book Network, c1999.
William C. Triplett II
William C. Triplett II is the former Chief Republican Counsel to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He served in the Executive Office of the President during the first Reagan Administration. A graduate of the Defense Language Institute (Chinese Mandarin) and the Georgetown University Law School, he has more than thirty years of experience working on China and national security. Former China analyst at the CIA, is the source of the name "Blue Team". See titles under Edward Timperlake.
"Blue Team"--a loose alliance of members of Congress, congressional staff, think tank fellows, Republican political operatives, conservative journalists, lobbyists for Taiwan, former intelligence officers and a handful of academics, all united in the view that a rising China poses great risks to America's vital interests. (Washington Post, 22 Feb 2000)
Christopher Cox
Representative from California's 47th District. Chair of the Committee that issued the Cox Report [US National Security and Military/Commercial Concerns with the People's Republic of China], Jan. 1999.
Richard D. Fisher
Managing editor of China Brief, a publication of the Jamestown Foundation. Worked as an aide to Rep. Christopher Cox (R-Calif.). Was Director of Asian Studies Center at Heritage Foundation.
Bill Gertz
The Gertz File Bill Gertz, 50, is a defense and national security reporter for The Washington Times, a position he has held since 1985. He writes a weekly column with Rowan Scarborough, also a Washington Times defense reporter, called Inside the Ring, a chronicle about the ups and downs of the U.S. national security bureaucracy.
Betrayal : how the Clinton administration undermined American security / Bill Gertz. Washington, DC : Regnery Pub. ; Lanham, MD : Distributed to the trade by National Book Network, c1999. 291 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
The China threat : how the People's Republic targets America / Bill Gertz. Washington, DC : Regnery Pub. ; Lanham, MD : Distributed to the trade by National Book Network, c2000. xv, 280 p. : ill., maps ; 24 cm.
Al Santoli
Editor of AFPC's China Reform Monitor. He is the author of numerous books and is a contributing editor for Parade magazine. Santoli served as a combat soldier in the 25th infantry in Vietnam from 1968-69. He currently works as a senior foreign policy analyst for Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA).
China Reform Monitor chronicles the process of reforms in the People's Republic of China and American policy toward China. It was launched in anticipation of the 1997 Washington summit between Presidents Jiang and Clinton and is generally published two to three days per week.
Red China's Move on Panama Canal Part of Pattern: The Panama Canal in transition: China's growing role
Edward Timperlake
Edward T. Timperlake served as professional staff member of the Committee on Rules in the U.S. House of Representatives. He is the investigator for issues on national security and international financial crimes. A graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, he has an MBA from Cornell University. He served as a Marine fighter pilot and the Principal Director of Mobilization, Planning, and Requirements in the Reagan Administration. He was appointed an Assistant Secretary for Public and Intergovernmental Affairs in the Bush Administration, where he was a member of the Desert Storm Communications Task Force. Mr. Timperlake is also a board member of the Vietnam Children's Fund, a pro bono effort to help rebuild elementary schools throughout Vietnam. He lives with his family in Annapolis, MD.
Year of the rat : how Bill Clinton and Al Gore compromised U.S. security for Chinese cash / Edward Timperlake and William C. Triplett II. Publisher: Washington, DC : Regnery Pub. ; Lanham, MD : Distributed to the trade by National Book Network, [2000], c1998.
Red dragon rising : Communist China's military threat to America / Edward Timperlake, William C. Triplett II. Washington, DC : Regnery Pub. ; Lanham, MD : Distributed to the trade by National Book Network, c1999.
William C. Triplett II
William C. Triplett II is the former Chief Republican Counsel to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He served in the Executive Office of the President during the first Reagan Administration. A graduate of the Defense Language Institute (Chinese Mandarin) and the Georgetown University Law School, he has more than thirty years of experience working on China and national security. Former China analyst at the CIA, is the source of the name "Blue Team". See titles under Edward Timperlake.
Bill Gertz: about Sun Myung Moon's North Korean Communist Connection
Come on Bill: Let's me honest with the American people. Tell the truth about Sun Myung Moon's North Korean Communist Connection
Bill Gertz (above), defense and national security reporter for the Washington Times, did not level with C-SPAN viewers on June 2 when he was asked about the Times' reporting of Moon's North Korea connection.
People keep agitating about Iraq and yet our own government says that North Korea has chemical, biological and possibly nuclear weapons that can strike the United States right now. Now, Bill, your religious leader and the founder of your paper, Sun Myung Moon, has business and financial dealings with North Korea. He has a car plant there. He runs a hotel. He's been to meet with Kim Jong II. Your paper is supposed to be independent of your owner and religious leader and yet I don't see you reporting on Sun Myung Moon's North Korean communist connections. Why?
I don't know. Have you read the Washington Times? We carry a number of stories about Reverend Moon's activities. We have not not reported on that. And I think we've covered it in a fair and unbiased way.
True Father Reverend Sun Myung Moon
Sunday Morning Sermon
December 10, 2000 East Garden, New York
When the time comes, it may just take a week to change the world. That's why I have been securing the media arm, radio, television and even the wire service. Imagine the five major media organizations opening their hearts and competing to broadcast my teachings. The world would be changed.
America is the most powerful country in the world. But its powerful leaders listen to the Washington Times. A statement from the Times can affect them dramatically. The government of other nations also listen to the Washington Times. Who at the Washington Times is having the biggest impact? [Bill Gertz.] Bill Gertz. How old is he? He is young. He only graduated from high school, joined the Washington Times and became famous. If you are a high school teacher, you should raise such students. If you are a college professor, you should become the most famous one in history.
Realizing America's Responsibility
by Rev. Tom McDevitt
Former Pastor
Unification Church Washington DC
May 23, 1999
You're probably heard in the Washington Times about Bill Gertz, who wrote a book. He was on the Tony Snow program and Crossfire, and Chris Matthews, and Rush Limbaugh talked about him. Bill's book climbed from 40 to 4, then 2, then 1 on amazon.com. I heard yesterday he was #17 on the New York Times best seller list. He's our brother.
I want to remind you what happened two years ago. The magazine Weekly Standard, published by Rupert Murdoch, edited by Bill Kristol, a very influential conservative publication. They did a full-page story on Bill Gertz, an exciting story for me because the first paragraph called him a fascinating phenomenon because of the stories he broke. It said that he was one of the early guys at the Washington Times, he is a member of Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church, he never graduated from college, and he is "now known as the most significant national security reporter in America."
Furthermore, when Bill wrote the book I saw an early copy. He's bold. He dedicated the book to "the founders of the Washington Times, Rev. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon, without which I would never have written this."
I was with Bill and some other people in Kodiak, Alaska last August. We had a chance to fish and study with Father and Mother for a week. After the fourth day of doing hoon dok hae for an hour every morning, reading Dr. Lee's book, going out fishing where the salmon are leaping out of the river, bald eagles are flying over. The first few fish we cooked and it was unbelievable.
Come on Bill: Let's me honest with the American people. Tell the truth about Sun Myung Moon's North Korean Communist Connection
Bill Gertz (above), defense and national security reporter for the Washington Times, did not level with C-SPAN viewers on June 2 when he was asked about the Times' reporting of Moon's North Korea connection.
People keep agitating about Iraq and yet our own government says that North Korea has chemical, biological and possibly nuclear weapons that can strike the United States right now. Now, Bill, your religious leader and the founder of your paper, Sun Myung Moon, has business and financial dealings with North Korea. He has a car plant there. He runs a hotel. He's been to meet with Kim Jong II. Your paper is supposed to be independent of your owner and religious leader and yet I don't see you reporting on Sun Myung Moon's North Korean communist connections. Why?
I don't know. Have you read the Washington Times? We carry a number of stories about Reverend Moon's activities. We have not not reported on that. And I think we've covered it in a fair and unbiased way.
True Father Reverend Sun Myung Moon
Sunday Morning Sermon
December 10, 2000 East Garden, New York
When the time comes, it may just take a week to change the world. That's why I have been securing the media arm, radio, television and even the wire service. Imagine the five major media organizations opening their hearts and competing to broadcast my teachings. The world would be changed.
America is the most powerful country in the world. But its powerful leaders listen to the Washington Times. A statement from the Times can affect them dramatically. The government of other nations also listen to the Washington Times. Who at the Washington Times is having the biggest impact? [Bill Gertz.] Bill Gertz. How old is he? He is young. He only graduated from high school, joined the Washington Times and became famous. If you are a high school teacher, you should raise such students. If you are a college professor, you should become the most famous one in history.
Realizing America's Responsibility
by Rev. Tom McDevitt
Former Pastor
Unification Church Washington DC
May 23, 1999
You're probably heard in the Washington Times about Bill Gertz, who wrote a book. He was on the Tony Snow program and Crossfire, and Chris Matthews, and Rush Limbaugh talked about him. Bill's book climbed from 40 to 4, then 2, then 1 on amazon.com. I heard yesterday he was #17 on the New York Times best seller list. He's our brother.
I want to remind you what happened two years ago. The magazine Weekly Standard, published by Rupert Murdoch, edited by Bill Kristol, a very influential conservative publication. They did a full-page story on Bill Gertz, an exciting story for me because the first paragraph called him a fascinating phenomenon because of the stories he broke. It said that he was one of the early guys at the Washington Times, he is a member of Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church, he never graduated from college, and he is "now known as the most significant national security reporter in America."
Furthermore, when Bill wrote the book I saw an early copy. He's bold. He dedicated the book to "the founders of the Washington Times, Rev. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon, without which I would never have written this."
I was with Bill and some other people in Kodiak, Alaska last August. We had a chance to fish and study with Father and Mother for a week. After the fourth day of doing hoon dok hae for an hour every morning, reading Dr. Lee's book, going out fishing where the salmon are leaping out of the river, bald eagles are flying over. The first few fish we cooked and it was unbelievable.
Why Washington times a China basher
Message 7 in thread
From: Robroy (Robroy826@aol.com)
Subject: Re: Another question from Jewell
View this article only
Newsgroups: alt.religion.unification
Date: 2002-02-04 12:02:12 PST
> > JewB51@hotmail.com (Jewell Bartow) wrote in message
> news:<980c8339.0202030829.3659b73b@posting.google.com>...
> > > I read somewhere that Bill Gertz, a reporter for the Washington Times,
> > > is a Moon follower. I read his stuff once in awhile online at the
> > > Times, and would like to know if this is true. If so, how long has he
> > > been a member of the UC?
> > > Thanks. Jewell
Jewell, from all that I have learned over the years about Bill Gertz,
he has been a Moonie since the 1970s. Much like the 50+ year-old
Moonies who have posted here on ARU, Gertz got trapped in the cult
during those "wandering and aimless years" of his youth. No, not on
some college campus, for Gertz ceased his education at the high school
level. With little education and no experience as a writer, he got
his start at the Washington Times by virtue of his loyalty to Moon
.... much like Josette Shiner, Larry Witham, and others who now write
for the WT. It is now estimated that about 1/3 of the reporters on
the WT payroll are Moon-cult members, but like Gertz, their
Moon-Devotee status is never mentioned for obvious reasons.
There is no denying that among the hardcore Republican-Right and some
religious conservatives, the WT and Bill Gertz exert a good deal of
influence. Gertz mostly by virtue of his writing on China, and his
apparent connections with right-wing connections within the CIA,
Pentagon, and Congress. Former CIA Director, James Woolsey had this
to say about Gertz: (quote) When I was DCI (Director of Central
Intelligence), Bill use to drive me crazy because I couldn't figure
out where all the leaks were coming from. Now that I've been outside
for two years, I read him (Gertz) religiously to find out what's going
on. (unquote) The lesson here is that even within the highest levels
of our government, inside information is still for sale.
Finally, it should be noted that Gertz's tirades against the Communist
Chinese government commenced only after the failure of Moon's Panda
Motors Corp. in China. And as noted previously on this ARU, Moon's
earlier anti-communist stance that served him well in the past is no
more. Now, he gets in bed with anyone who will serve his purpose,
including the communist of North Korea and the former Soviet Union.
Enough for now. (Robroy)
Message 7 in thread
From: Robroy (Robroy826@aol.com)
Subject: Re: Another question from Jewell
View this article only
Newsgroups: alt.religion.unification
Date: 2002-02-04 12:02:12 PST
> > JewB51@hotmail.com (Jewell Bartow) wrote in message
> news:<980c8339.0202030829.3659b73b@posting.google.com>...
> > > I read somewhere that Bill Gertz, a reporter for the Washington Times,
> > > is a Moon follower. I read his stuff once in awhile online at the
> > > Times, and would like to know if this is true. If so, how long has he
> > > been a member of the UC?
> > > Thanks. Jewell
Jewell, from all that I have learned over the years about Bill Gertz,
he has been a Moonie since the 1970s. Much like the 50+ year-old
Moonies who have posted here on ARU, Gertz got trapped in the cult
during those "wandering and aimless years" of his youth. No, not on
some college campus, for Gertz ceased his education at the high school
level. With little education and no experience as a writer, he got
his start at the Washington Times by virtue of his loyalty to Moon
.... much like Josette Shiner, Larry Witham, and others who now write
for the WT. It is now estimated that about 1/3 of the reporters on
the WT payroll are Moon-cult members, but like Gertz, their
Moon-Devotee status is never mentioned for obvious reasons.
There is no denying that among the hardcore Republican-Right and some
religious conservatives, the WT and Bill Gertz exert a good deal of
influence. Gertz mostly by virtue of his writing on China, and his
apparent connections with right-wing connections within the CIA,
Pentagon, and Congress. Former CIA Director, James Woolsey had this
to say about Gertz: (quote) When I was DCI (Director of Central
Intelligence), Bill use to drive me crazy because I couldn't figure
out where all the leaks were coming from. Now that I've been outside
for two years, I read him (Gertz) religiously to find out what's going
on. (unquote) The lesson here is that even within the highest levels
of our government, inside information is still for sale.
Finally, it should be noted that Gertz's tirades against the Communist
Chinese government commenced only after the failure of Moon's Panda
Motors Corp. in China. And as noted previously on this ARU, Moon's
earlier anti-communist stance that served him well in the past is no
more. Now, he gets in bed with anyone who will serve his purpose,
including the communist of North Korea and the former Soviet Union.
Enough for now. (Robroy)
Panda motors and China
The eclipse of Moon Inc
Reverend Sun Myung Moon's collapsing empire
The Economist
THINGS are going from bad to worse for
the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, who once planned to become
America’s Messiah. His following there has dwindled to almost
nothing. He is in South America, struggling to revive his career. Now
his South Korean business empire has gone bust, a victim of the
economic crisis.
On November 30th four companies of Mr Moon’s Tong Il
(Unification) Group—Tong Il Heavy Industries, Hankook Titanium,
Il Sung Construction and Il Shin Stone—filed for court receivership
in Seoul. A fifth member, Il Hwa, a soft-drinks maker, went under in
May. The five companies account for three-quarters of the Tong Il
group’s business. Their collapse in effect means the end of a firm that
was once one of South Korea’s top 30 chaebol, the family-owned
conglomerates that dominate the country’s economy.
Tong Il’s immediate problems were the usual ones of corporate
South Korea—disappearing profits and huge, unpayable
debts—overlaid with an extra one, Unification Church
mismanagement. Between them the Tong Il group’s 17 companies
had debts of 2 trillion won ($1.2 billion), or 19 times equity, at the
end of last year.
Most of the Unification Church’s biggest businesses have been losing
money for decades (Mr Moon himself said last year that the
Washington Times, a church-backed newspaper in America’s
capital, had cost him $1 billion over the previous 15 years), but
devotion has kept the operation afloat. The Tong Il group was
sustained by money from Japanese church members, who also sold
ginseng, stone pagodas and other religious objects, most of them
made by Il Shin Stone. But the Japanese donations have dried up as
bad publicity and lawsuits have thinned the ranks and revenues of the
faithful there.
Money troubles have also undermined Mr Moon’s plans for North
Korea. Born in the north, he has been careful to keep up contacts
there. In 1991 he struck a deal with Kim Il Sung, the late North
Korean leader, to develop Mount Kumkang in the north into a
tourist resort. But concerns about Tong Il’s finances stalled the
project; eventually Hyundai, South Korea’s biggest conglomerate,
won the contract instead. In October, Tong Il group offered to start
a cruise service, paying North Korea $100 for every tourist it took
to Mount Kumkang. But this time it was the South Korean
government, which wanted a single, reliable firm to run the politically
sensitive service, that vetoed it. Last month Hyundai went ahead with
its own cruises.
Despite these setbacks, the church still plans to build a huge church
in Pyongyang and a car factory in Nampo, to join the (money-losing)
car plant it already runs in Vietnam. Given Mr Moon’s track record,
these North Korean car-making ambitions are puzzling. One of his
biggest recent business failures was Panda Motors (China), which,
when it was announced in 1989, was thought to be the largest
foreign investment so far in China. Panda’s planned sales of 300,000
cars a year were meant to bankroll a far bigger dream: an
“International Highway of Peace”, running (with a few allowances for
oceans) from Tokyo to London, via North Korea and China.
Mr Moon’s representatives initially hawked the idea around Beijing
and Shanghai, where officials were sceptical about the ability of a
church with no car-making experience to pioneer a foreign car
industry in China. But the church eventually found less sophisticated
officials in Huizhou, near Hong Kong, and sold them the idea (one
local dignitary at the time was under the impression that Panda was
one of America’s Big Four car makers, according to Eric Harwit, an
expert on China’s car industry at the University of Hawaii).
The Tong Il group promised to invest $1 billion, and was in return
given a 50-year lease on a huge plot at just over $1 a square metre,
a small fraction of what the land is worth. Panda then bought some
old metal-stamping equipment from a plant that General Motors was
shutting down in Ohio. Somehow this led to widespread (but
unfounded) media reports that it was going to make a Chinese
version of the Chevy Chevette. Panda never came up with a design
of its own; and in 1996, after spending an estimated $100m on the
factory and related ventures without producing a single car, it
officially closed the plant. Today, the company is called Panda
Property Development, the 50-year lease having turned out to be its
most valuable asset.
The eclipse of Moon Inc
Reverend Sun Myung Moon's collapsing empire
The Economist
THINGS are going from bad to worse for
the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, who once planned to become
America’s Messiah. His following there has dwindled to almost
nothing. He is in South America, struggling to revive his career. Now
his South Korean business empire has gone bust, a victim of the
economic crisis.
On November 30th four companies of Mr Moon’s Tong Il
(Unification) Group—Tong Il Heavy Industries, Hankook Titanium,
Il Sung Construction and Il Shin Stone—filed for court receivership
in Seoul. A fifth member, Il Hwa, a soft-drinks maker, went under in
May. The five companies account for three-quarters of the Tong Il
group’s business. Their collapse in effect means the end of a firm that
was once one of South Korea’s top 30 chaebol, the family-owned
conglomerates that dominate the country’s economy.
Tong Il’s immediate problems were the usual ones of corporate
South Korea—disappearing profits and huge, unpayable
debts—overlaid with an extra one, Unification Church
mismanagement. Between them the Tong Il group’s 17 companies
had debts of 2 trillion won ($1.2 billion), or 19 times equity, at the
end of last year.
Most of the Unification Church’s biggest businesses have been losing
money for decades (Mr Moon himself said last year that the
Washington Times, a church-backed newspaper in America’s
capital, had cost him $1 billion over the previous 15 years), but
devotion has kept the operation afloat. The Tong Il group was
sustained by money from Japanese church members, who also sold
ginseng, stone pagodas and other religious objects, most of them
made by Il Shin Stone. But the Japanese donations have dried up as
bad publicity and lawsuits have thinned the ranks and revenues of the
faithful there.
Money troubles have also undermined Mr Moon’s plans for North
Korea. Born in the north, he has been careful to keep up contacts
there. In 1991 he struck a deal with Kim Il Sung, the late North
Korean leader, to develop Mount Kumkang in the north into a
tourist resort. But concerns about Tong Il’s finances stalled the
project; eventually Hyundai, South Korea’s biggest conglomerate,
won the contract instead. In October, Tong Il group offered to start
a cruise service, paying North Korea $100 for every tourist it took
to Mount Kumkang. But this time it was the South Korean
government, which wanted a single, reliable firm to run the politically
sensitive service, that vetoed it. Last month Hyundai went ahead with
its own cruises.
Despite these setbacks, the church still plans to build a huge church
in Pyongyang and a car factory in Nampo, to join the (money-losing)
car plant it already runs in Vietnam. Given Mr Moon’s track record,
these North Korean car-making ambitions are puzzling. One of his
biggest recent business failures was Panda Motors (China), which,
when it was announced in 1989, was thought to be the largest
foreign investment so far in China. Panda’s planned sales of 300,000
cars a year were meant to bankroll a far bigger dream: an
“International Highway of Peace”, running (with a few allowances for
oceans) from Tokyo to London, via North Korea and China.
Mr Moon’s representatives initially hawked the idea around Beijing
and Shanghai, where officials were sceptical about the ability of a
church with no car-making experience to pioneer a foreign car
industry in China. But the church eventually found less sophisticated
officials in Huizhou, near Hong Kong, and sold them the idea (one
local dignitary at the time was under the impression that Panda was
one of America’s Big Four car makers, according to Eric Harwit, an
expert on China’s car industry at the University of Hawaii).
The Tong Il group promised to invest $1 billion, and was in return
given a 50-year lease on a huge plot at just over $1 a square metre,
a small fraction of what the land is worth. Panda then bought some
old metal-stamping equipment from a plant that General Motors was
shutting down in Ohio. Somehow this led to widespread (but
unfounded) media reports that it was going to make a Chinese
version of the Chevy Chevette. Panda never came up with a design
of its own; and in 1996, after spending an estimated $100m on the
factory and related ventures without producing a single car, it
officially closed the plant. Today, the company is called Panda
Property Development, the 50-year lease having turned out to be its
most valuable asset.
Are Americans ready to elect a jewish president?
From Knoxnews:
Wesley Clark: background note
September 18, 2003
According to a May 1999 New York Times article, Gen. Wesley Clark found out as an adult that he is the grandson of a Russian Jew who fled from Russia to avoid the pogroms - the organized persecution - about a century ago. Some said the family history gave Clark added inspiration as NATO commander in Kosovo.
The article states Clark's biological father - a politically active Chicago lawyer who once ran for alderman - died when when Clark was five years old, and the future general was raised as a Christian by his mother and stepfather. He later converted to Roman Catholicism.
His family history resurfaced when he came into contact with paternal relatives later in his life.
From Knoxnews:
Wesley Clark: background note
September 18, 2003
According to a May 1999 New York Times article, Gen. Wesley Clark found out as an adult that he is the grandson of a Russian Jew who fled from Russia to avoid the pogroms - the organized persecution - about a century ago. Some said the family history gave Clark added inspiration as NATO commander in Kosovo.
The article states Clark's biological father - a politically active Chicago lawyer who once ran for alderman - died when when Clark was five years old, and the future general was raised as a Christian by his mother and stepfather. He later converted to Roman Catholicism.
His family history resurfaced when he came into contact with paternal relatives later in his life.
Forbes on China's currancy
After his sucessful Forbes forum in Shanghai, obviously it is not the time to bash china. In fact as he gets to know China better after his china trip,his ideological attack against China might be the thing of the past. China has indeed become the poster boy of
Forbes' style capitalism .
Fact and Comment; Steve Forbes on how to handle China; a book for everyone, about everything.
Steve Forbes
1,804 words
6 October 2003
Volume 172 Issue 7
(c) 2003 Forbes Inc.
Fool's Errand
Worried about our loss of manufacturing jobs, Treasury Secretary John Snow recently trudged off to China to try to get Beijing to revalue its currency, the yuan. The idea was that this would make China's exports more expensive and our imports to China cheaper, thereby improving our trade balance and preserving jobs at home. Mr. Snow came back empty-handed, and rightly so (as a face-saver, the Chinese said the yuan would "eventually" trade freely). Currency manipulation is a destructive tool that more often than not harms all parties.
For nearly 25 years following the Second World War, for example, the U.S. repeatedly browbeat Germany to revalue the deutsche mark as a panacea for our wobbly dollar and our supposedly harmful international trade deficit. We finally got our wish in the 1970s. The dollar plunged in value against the deutsche mark. But the deficit remained, inflation soared and our economy stagnated.
America's Treasury boss also lectured all Asian nations on the virtues of floating exchange rates. "Let the markets decide," he admonished one and all, treating currencies as though they were products like wheat, oil or automobiles. He can't grasp the fact that the value of money should be fixed, in the same manner as the intervals of time are. Time doesn't fluctuate--there are 60 minutes to the hour, 24 hours to the day, period. But following John Snow's logic--and in this, he has all too many companions in the realms of academia, government and business--we should add ten minutes to the hour as a way to increase worker productivity.
There are far more constructive approaches Washington could take with China. We could pressure it to reduce export subsidies and liberalize capital outflows. China has an export-tax rebate averaging around 15% that Beijing should either cut or eliminate. Overall, we should work to move the Chinese away from the idea that the way to develop economically is by promoting exports. The U.S., in contrast, focused on internal development and rapidly became the world's major economy.
We could do a lot to make ourselves more competitive, including easing taxes on business; at the moment the U.S. has one of the most onerous business tax systems among the major industrialized countries. Repealing the steel tariffs that are, on a net basis, destroying far more manufacturing jobs than they're saving would also help.
Contrary to what so many policymakers and their alleged experts believe, volatile exchange rates hamper economic growth. Just think of Brazil, Turkey and pre-Putin Russia. Countries should be encouraged to tie their currencies to the dollar, the euro or gold so that people can focus their minds and resources on producing more and better goods and services instead of on trying to construct ultimately costly hedges to protect themselves from ever-changing exchange rates. Stability, not turbulence, should be our goal.
After his sucessful Forbes forum in Shanghai, obviously it is not the time to bash china. In fact as he gets to know China better after his china trip,his ideological attack against China might be the thing of the past. China has indeed become the poster boy of
Forbes' style capitalism .
Fact and Comment; Steve Forbes on how to handle China; a book for everyone, about everything.
Steve Forbes
1,804 words
6 October 2003
Volume 172 Issue 7
(c) 2003 Forbes Inc.
Fool's Errand
Worried about our loss of manufacturing jobs, Treasury Secretary John Snow recently trudged off to China to try to get Beijing to revalue its currency, the yuan. The idea was that this would make China's exports more expensive and our imports to China cheaper, thereby improving our trade balance and preserving jobs at home. Mr. Snow came back empty-handed, and rightly so (as a face-saver, the Chinese said the yuan would "eventually" trade freely). Currency manipulation is a destructive tool that more often than not harms all parties.
For nearly 25 years following the Second World War, for example, the U.S. repeatedly browbeat Germany to revalue the deutsche mark as a panacea for our wobbly dollar and our supposedly harmful international trade deficit. We finally got our wish in the 1970s. The dollar plunged in value against the deutsche mark. But the deficit remained, inflation soared and our economy stagnated.
America's Treasury boss also lectured all Asian nations on the virtues of floating exchange rates. "Let the markets decide," he admonished one and all, treating currencies as though they were products like wheat, oil or automobiles. He can't grasp the fact that the value of money should be fixed, in the same manner as the intervals of time are. Time doesn't fluctuate--there are 60 minutes to the hour, 24 hours to the day, period. But following John Snow's logic--and in this, he has all too many companions in the realms of academia, government and business--we should add ten minutes to the hour as a way to increase worker productivity.
There are far more constructive approaches Washington could take with China. We could pressure it to reduce export subsidies and liberalize capital outflows. China has an export-tax rebate averaging around 15% that Beijing should either cut or eliminate. Overall, we should work to move the Chinese away from the idea that the way to develop economically is by promoting exports. The U.S., in contrast, focused on internal development and rapidly became the world's major economy.
We could do a lot to make ourselves more competitive, including easing taxes on business; at the moment the U.S. has one of the most onerous business tax systems among the major industrialized countries. Repealing the steel tariffs that are, on a net basis, destroying far more manufacturing jobs than they're saving would also help.
Contrary to what so many policymakers and their alleged experts believe, volatile exchange rates hamper economic growth. Just think of Brazil, Turkey and pre-Putin Russia. Countries should be encouraged to tie their currencies to the dollar, the euro or gold so that people can focus their minds and resources on producing more and better goods and services instead of on trying to construct ultimately costly hedges to protect themselves from ever-changing exchange rates. Stability, not turbulence, should be our goal.
的共产党在镇压 之后同时也丧失了统治合法性,政权存活尚且存在很大问题也许过不了几年就会
原因在於人们对於当初六四抗议学潮性质有着很大的误判。 大多数人以为,学生代表的士一股向上,进步,使中国走向更开放,更民主的路线,可实际情况是学生们固然对“官倒”(价格双轨制的副产品)深恶
痛绝,可他们对私倒们也嫉妒万分。这里固然有个体户中德一部分是前劳改释放人员(当个体户是他们唯一的职业选择)的因素,可更多的直接原因是他们对所有商业行为,同历代知识分子一样,所持的是一种极其鄙视的态度。所以可以说,六四抗议学潮不过是又一个反商的抗议运动罢了。目标是候补官僚们(志在官府衙门的学子们)向当权的官僚们要官,享权。 所以说,它的抗议行为算不上什么代表了历史的进步。
的共产党在镇压 之后同时也丧失了统治合法性,政权存活尚且存在很大问题也许过不了几年就会
原因在於人们对於当初六四抗议学潮性质有着很大的误判。 大多数人以为,学生代表的士一股向上,进步,使中国走向更开放,更民主的路线,可实际情况是学生们固然对“官倒”(价格双轨制的副产品)深恶
痛绝,可他们对私倒们也嫉妒万分。这里固然有个体户中德一部分是前劳改释放人员(当个体户是他们唯一的职业选择)的因素,可更多的直接原因是他们对所有商业行为,同历代知识分子一样,所持的是一种极其鄙视的态度。所以可以说,六四抗议学潮不过是又一个反商的抗议运动罢了。目标是候补官僚们(志在官府衙门的学子们)向当权的官僚们要官,享权。 所以说,它的抗议行为算不上什么代表了历史的进步。
Kind of lazy in the last two days. I don't know what to post. My blog seems to be lacking
focus. Although it is a great way for me to organize my thoughts in webblog, I am still too lazy
to do it. I have such a good theory that can be incorporated into a PHD dissertation.
Potantially influening millions of people, at least some of the world's leading
opinion-makers. Why not do it? Let's start from today.
focus. Although it is a great way for me to organize my thoughts in webblog, I am still too lazy
to do it. I have such a good theory that can be incorporated into a PHD dissertation.
Potantially influening millions of people, at least some of the world's leading
opinion-makers. Why not do it? Let's start from today.